German strategy for newest Alpha +3 setup

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Some picking at your strategy:

    A.  You won’t always get 71 as the two french ships in sea zone 93 are eligible to convoy raid your income from southern France.

    B.  Italy has a much smaller economy, would the four infantry from activating Bulgaria be better off as Italian?

    C.  Attacking sea zones 111, 109, and 106 and leaving 110 alone is more commonly seen.  Your sz 106 attack is weak as well as the attack on sz 111.  The odds calculator is showing that scrambling the scotland fighter will likely shift your losses from two submarines to two subs and two fighters but scrambling 3 fighters from London only causes equal losses in German aircraft.

    D.  I like the move of consolidating the Italian fleet in sea zone 97 to invade Greece.

    E.  I would change the second turn build to include 2 to 5 transports, replacing the strat, minor, and submarines.  Plopped in sea zone 112, those  transports could go a lot of interesting places on turn 3.

  • Italy taking Bulgaria is nice and all, but its on the extreme opposite front you really want those units on.  I prefer Strafing Yugo with Hungary, Romania, S.Germany and “retreating” to Romania and then NCM a single Inf into Bulgaria.  This sets up a weakened Yugo for I1.  You can use the TT on I1 to move Inf first into Yugo to have 6 Inf, 2 Tanks giving Italy Yugo.

    Do the same thing on G2 against Greece, blitzing the tanks through Bulgaria and sending in the 5 Inf from Bulgaria.  Hit for a round then retreat to Bulgaria.  Your tanks are then setup to join the rest of your tanks from France by meeting up G3 in E.Poland. In both cases you weaken the national units, but hand the IPC over to Italy as they will need it to address a US force moving towards the Med.

    I also like to give the Italians S.France with the 2 Art, 2 Inf from N.Italy.  Net Net the Italians are up 7 IPC for a good while by the end of I2 which translates to at least 3-4 rounds of IPC from those territories.  That 21-28 IPC over that time is increasingly valuable to their weak 10 IPC starting value.

    I send the Germans like this in the SZ’s:  3 Tac/Ftr, 2 SS to SZ110.  I opt to lose Ftr because the Tac pair better on G3/G4 with the 9 starting Arm Germany will be using in Moscow.  They are also cheaper to replace and the threat of attacks on Germany are minimal (the real value of Ftr) until later in the game.  I then send 1 Ftr/Tac, 2 Bombers, my BB and 2 SS into SZ111.  Generally I end up with 3 Ftr, 4 Tac 2 Bomber remaining in the 3 times I’ve done this so far.  My BB usually ends up being tipped and subject to a UK counter on UK1 from SZ91, SZ109 and a Bomber from London.  Sometimes a SS survives somewhere in there, but my dice rolls have been better than average.

    I also prefer trading German Ftr for UK Ftr.  Granted you never want to give up your aircraft, but it is much harder for London to survive if it scrambles its Ftrs because they just can’t replace them nearly as easily as the Germans can before G3 Sea Lion.  Trading 20-30 IPC to keep the UK on London until probably G5 is worth the investment.  It is PARTICULARLY annoying to have UK Ftr en masse around once the US starts landing in Normandy because the UK can just land all its Ftr on top of the ground units that survived, plus land units of its own.  I’d rather the UK have 2-3 Ftr instead of 5-7.

    I always go after the UK fleet if it lives in the Med, but I1 is always a Ftr purchase and Germany always flies that Ftr that can’t reach the SZ down to Rome so I have 3 Ftr scrambling on I1 if the UK decides to attack SZ97.  I’m happier removing the UK fleet in the Med so it cannot reinforce London or block me from Egypt.  Further, I don’t want a threat against Rome so I can utilize the starting 6 Inf there.  By removing the UK fleet, that threat is generally eliminated.

    You can still pull of a Sea Lion with 8 TT if the UK doesn’t go full defensive.  Especially if you SBR London on G2 - which I recommend regardless of what you plan to do.  Those Bombers are just fluff on G2 for wherever you attack and are better put to use with escorts (for any remaining Ftr in the UK) and “take away” IPC from London.  Worst case scenario if two bombers get through is 6 IPC loss for UK although the average is going to be closer to 10 or 11 IPC.

  • G4 is way too late.  The Soviet Red Army is too strong by then.

  • G2 or G3 is when u Barbarossa or the Reds stuff u.

  • @techroll42:

    G2 or G3 is when u Barbarossa or the Reds stuff u.


    G4 is way too late.  The Soviet Red Army is too strong by then.

    ……Unless Germany is building land forces over G2 and G3.
    And Germany has more money than Russia to do it.

    Why in the world would a G4 Barbarossa not be viable?  I’ve done several times.
    It’s very nice because it gives you the time to shore up everything in the West and get the Italians in position for can openers.

    Russia has 37 IPCs a turn to buy land forces.
    Germany will have 70 and 51 IPCs for two turns to do so.
    And Germany starts off with more.
    Of course G4 Barbarossa is possible.

  • Yes, but 2 defending 2’s (2 inf.) are 1 cheaper than 2 attacking 2’s (inf+art). Then you’ve got to actually build for the west, and build mech/armor/Luftwaffe? for the east.

    Sure, you’ll have more but they’ll be able to take a lot more with them…

  • Um yes.  Offense costs more than defense.
    That applies to every aspect of the game.


    Sure, you’ll have more but they’ll be able to take a lot more with them…

    Yeah.  Okay.  And?
    Germany still has more either way.

  • what is g2 and g3

  • (letter)(number) is a player’s certain turn.

    And the others you usually don’t talk about

    Then the number is the round number, so when Germany attacks Russia on their 3rd turn, that’s a G3 Barbarossa

  • G3 is when I like to hit Russia, along with a sea lion look build early,  hit them both on 3. Also have Italy back up Germany in the east. Also get Italy into the Middle East A.S.A.P for the bonus money and presure on India and Russia

  • @Spendo02:

    I also prefer trading German Ftr for UK Ftr.  Granted you never want to give up your aircraft, but it is much harder for London to survive if it scrambles its Ftrs because they just can’t replace them nearly as easily as the Germans can before G3 Sea Lion.  Trading 20-30 IPC to keep the UK on London until probably G5 is worth the investment.  It is PARTICULARLY annoying to have UK Ftr en masse around once the US starts landing in Normandy because the UK can just land all its Ftr on top of the ground units that survived, plus land units of its own.  I’d rather the UK have 2-3 Ftr instead of 5-7.

    I agree with this strategy, and it is why I hit all of the UK seazones at once. I would rather destroy their navy which is harder to replace than protect 2 of my own planes. Also, if the UK does scramble, it puts them at a severe disadvantage during sea-lion which will be that much easier.

    Now that I look at it, if the Germans are going to take Bulgaria, than they won’t need the factory on G2. So, it is probably better to give the Italians those infantry.


    G4 is way too late.  The Soviet Red Army is too strong by then.

    Like Alsch said, G4 is perfectly viable, especially if you build a minor IC in Romania. You can move more men along the eastern front with G4, most importantly the large army mobilized with the money from G2

  • oh ok

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