if i am germany, i will definately save the money. It’s a waste to put it anywhere else, and where ever i put it, the allies will just counter. If i save it, it forces the allies to give the money to either uk or russia. If they give it to russia, that’s really good, since i can sealion them, i think the odds are slightly in germany’s favor if done perfect. If they give it to uk, then it weakens russia, so you can probably get away with a standard win with a slightly weaker russia. In any case, saving it is the best option for germany.
if i am allies and germany saves, then it stinks, but i will also save it and give it to the uk. I will probably be forced to put 4 infantry on the uk that is if germany saves all their money on turn 1. Depending on how bad the fleet’s are defeated, i might go for a fighter mainly for russia later.
if germany buys stuff with the 12, i will just evenly counter it.
it’s unbalanced, germany should not get 12 more dollars, how much it get’s should be bidded on instead.
please see my post on “a good german strategy” or something like that, it’s the long one.