Shameless self promotion here but I just posted a podcast of my buddies and I playing the game and suffering from pitiful geographical knowledge, wikipedia-esque misinterpretations of history and general foolishness. And all of the first episode idiocy doesn’t even involve alcohol. This past Sunday I brought my laptop over to my buddies place and we recorded a session of AAClassic. We played an 8.5h game and I’ve just begun cutting up the audio. If you visit my blog you can listen to the first round. I’ve submitted it to iTunes and hope to have it up there soon but for now you can listen at or click the link and go to Podbean and download it there. We hope to record art least one game every two weeks when we play, and next time it will be either 42 or Anniversary. I hope you all check it out if not for the game play then at least to laugh at our utter lack of intelligence.
I’m fairly certain that this is the first A&A podcast, hopefully not the last, and if so, definitely not the best but something to while away the hours with anyway.
If you listen please post comments on the blog as we would love to have feedback on what we did wrong and what we didn’t.