Where can I find actual examples. My rule book only has examples without altitude changes.
If I want to go down just one altitude, is that really a special movement. So you can’t go down one altitude and then do a tight turn?
A20 Opening Salvo Part 3 & Part 4
The next two opening Salvo’s are up.Check these out.
Part 3: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/aam/20120207
Part 4: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/aam/20120210
nice, Maybe i will buy a starter or 2
I think the starters retail for $40 and contain 4 planes. Not a serious amount of more in this world. All indications from demo games they have played it is pretty fun.
I think the starters retail for $40 and contain 4 planes. Not a serious amount of more in this world. All indications from demo games they have played it is pretty fun.
The Starter contains 6 Planes, 2 Bf-109s, 1 Bf-110, 2 Hurricanes, and 1 Spitfire. The starter also contains the cards for all 31 planes in the set. The boosters contain 3 Random planes.