You people will never see the light of day lol
ALL OPINIONS ASIDE (Yes Cruisers look very cool and I understand what their role is SUPPOSED TO BE)…however…
Cruisers are overpriced
Yes if you are a dirt poor nation such as Italy or Anzac it might make sense to buy one at one point in the game (I highly doubt it)
But for the main players (Germany, Japan, USA) Where they are not cash strapped but rather have 50+ IPCs to spend it makes absolutely no sense at all to build cruisers.
I would like to play someone who is adding cruisers in their navy where i am not…
My odds of dominating the seas are drastically increased with each Cruiser you buy and i dont.
3 range not so much speed but speed + Fuel capacity, Yes a plane is faster ffs but it will run out of fuel in a matter of hours. Ships can go days or weeks. Cruisers were the fastest ships on the sea in WWII and they had at the same time greater Fuel capacity that a destroyer.
And your artillery Speel is pants on head retarded. One artillery and one infantry is far better than one tank and only costs one more IPC. The only downside is Range.
If tanks only moved one space then they would be like cruisers are now…no point they are overpriced.
Artillery and Infantry are far far better in combat (both defense and offense) than are tanks, they are just constricted to less range.
You build tanks because they can get to the front faster than INF and arty and when there their they can blitz, but build too many tanks and you will be crushed. Same with cruisers except they do not move any more than any other ship and therefore are pointless.
They are slightly more cost effecient for shore bombardment but not by much…