@thinrich83 Yes.
Minor Threat's Alpha+3.9 (Global 1940) COMPLETE! Setup Charts
-2/8/2012 Adjusted Japan’s income to 26 IPCs
-2/11/2012 Updated to Alpha+3.9 (Final Version of the Charts)
-2/12/2012 Fixed US Chart to display proper ‘Victory Conditions’. Download updated file (United States) with 2012-02-12 date
-2/12/2012 Fixed spelling error with UK Chart under Canadian Income Relocation. Download updated file- United Kingdom 1.1
-2/13/2012 Fixed Japanese Battleship size to a much more consistent size. Download (optional) updated file- Japan 1.1
-2/15/2012 Updated all the charts to have more consistent unit sizes on the Unit Reference Chart. This will be the final cosmetic update! Download (optional) updated file - 1.1a [All charts]
-2/15/2012 Fixed/updated Germany’s air units to 1 tac bomber & 2 strat Bombers (in the territory of Germany) download new file 1.1a Germany
-2/16/2012 Fixed China’s “Captured Capital” paragraph. download updated file - China 1.2a
-5/04/2012 United States & United Kingdom have been updated to version 1.2a (added fighter to Western US and 1 Infantry to Egypt.) China has also been updated to v1.3a (removed NB,AB, MIC, MAIC, and AA from unit reference chart)I have been working on these for some time now, and they’re finally complete!
Enjoy! :-)http://www.mediafire.com/?7hif1zhorbz89
Printer Color settings: I did these with RGB color setting, so they should print out slightly different with CMYK
Paper to Print these on: Photo Glossy, or Photo Paper. (if done with regular paper, or cardstock they’ll look awful)
Paper Size: Letter 8.5 x 11 -
Japan starting income should be 26
ty, fixed
Alpha +3.9 is official as of yesterday lol.
All changes (theres not many) are Germany/UK/France settup changes. Only other change is tweak of one of USSRs NO.
Look for these over on the Larry harris website forum under “sealion in alpha+3” around page 80 or so by Kreighund
Can you send me the link to 3.9 please? I cant see it. ty
Is the German Naval set up correct?
These changes shouldnt be buried on page 86 of some random thread :-/ They should be incluided in the summary if they have been deemed official.
So is the current thing up to 3.9?
These changes shouldnt be buried on page 86 of some random thread :-/ They should be incluided in the summary if they have been deemed official.
They are official. As of yesterday or the day before i think. Give them a chance lol.
And instead of being lazy maybe go check it out.
But il help your lazy butt out ;)
Krieghund wrote:
Here are the current changes:Move the French cruiser in 112 to 110.
Move the UK cruiser in 112 to 111.
Move the German cruiser and transport in 113 to 114.
Add 1 UK mechanized infantry and 1 French infantry to United Kingdom.
Add 1 UK infantry and 1 AA gun to Scotland.
Change 1 French tank and 1 French artillery in France to equivalent UK units.Change the Soviet “Spread of Communism” NO to “3 IPCs for each original German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union controls.”
Krieghund wrote:
I have reviewed the above changes with Larry, and they are now official as written. We’ve also added 1 AA gun to India, bringing the total there to 3.Hopefully you know who Krieghund and Larry are
I thought the cards might show the recent updates, otherwise they look GREAT!
Lazy? How do you call the guy lazy after he just did all that work and was gracious enough to post it for everyone else to use.
Thank you Minor Threat.
If you were smart enough to read in context (few humans seem capable) then you would understand just who i was calling lazy.
If they are one in the same then that is not my fault and i do not rescind.
BTW Minor i think these aids look really great, i only was pointing out the irony of you releasing them the same time 3.9 was released.
If you were smart enough to read in context (few humans seem capable)
These look AMAZING! Thanks dude
If you were smart enough to read in context (few humans seem capable) then you would understand just who i was calling lazy.
If they are one in the same then that is not my fault and i do not rescind.
BTW Minor i think these aids look really great, i only was pointing out the irony of you releasing them the same time 3.9 was released.
Yes he was calling me lazy.
And I agree with his observation, although I did find the changes eventually then couldnt be bothered posting about them other than to say, finding them was a chore. Nevertheless thanks for assisting me.
No problem lol
I do agree they should put on the front page of a new thread and sticky it, but it is still very recent and im sure they will sometime soon
The final version of these Charts are uploaded. :)
please verify that all information is correct before printing. (I revised these countless times before uploading for minimal errors, but i’m human too) -
updated! check description
Tank you Minor Threat these will be a welcome addition and make the game easier to set and play
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