Well, let’s see. A&A 1940-Europe, page 26, A/A Guns, 3rd paragraph. “Only ONE A/A Gun can fire in a battle, no matter how many are in the teritory (and even if the others are controlled by different powers)”.
Of course, you’re talking about “House Rules”, so you’re not necessarily bound by this rule.
Interesting idea, although HBG is already building
Tank Destroyers in all of their Supplement Sets just to fill this purpose. And I’d imagine they will end up having a dual-purpose A/D value.
“Tall Paul”
AA Guns:
Cost: 5 Attack: - Defense: - Move: 1
Unit Characteristics
Limited Move: Normally this unit can be moved only during the Noncombat Move phase. This unit cannot move during the Combat Move phase (other than being carried on a transport if the unit was loaded on a prior turn).
No Combat Value: Even though an AA gun can defend, either alone or with other units, it has a combat value of 0. This means that an AA gun cannot fire in the defending units fire step. It can, however, be taken as a casualty. If a territory containing AA guns and no combat units is attacked, the AA guns are automatically destroyed. AA guns may never attack.
Air Defense: AA guns can only fire at an air unit when that unit attacks the territory containing that AA gun. AA guns fire only once, before the first round of combat. Each AA gun in the territory may fire up to three times, but only once per attacking air unit. In other words, the total number of air defense dice rolled is three times the number of AA guns, or the number of attacking air units, whichever is the lesser. Once the number of air defense dice is determined, the dice are rolled. For each “1†rolled, the attacker must choose one air unit as a casualty. These casualties are removed immediately, and will not participate in the remainder of the battle. This AA gun attack is made immediately before normal combat occurs in the territory containing the AA gun. AA guns do not defend facilities against strategic or tactical bombing. Facilities have their own “built in†air defenses.
Alpha 3 tab from http://www.harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=6149
I think I win sir