• I’d like to switch around my quotes. I think I’ll keep the Napoleon one, its one of my favorites. Here are a few quotes, if you could help me decide which is best I’d appreciate it.

    “Whether it’s silly puddy or your new Ford Explorer, it all goes better with cleavage” - Chris Issack

    “It’s up to you not to act… how you were brought up”

    • The Clash Song “The Call Up”

    “Give me Liberty or Give me Death!” - Patrick Henry

    Those are my top 3. I got a huge list, mostly from American Revolutionaries, Music, especially Frank Zappa Songs.

    “History is just a set of lies agreed upon”

    • Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
      “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference” - Robert Frost
      “Only the dead will see the end of war”

    [ This Message was edited by: Yanny on 2002-04-29 12:20 ]

  • “Give me Liberty or Give me Apple Juice! Or something like that :wink:” - Patrick Henry

    “Axis and Allies stands not only as one of the most stupendous works of man, but also as one of the most beautiful of human creations. Indeed, it is at once so great and so simple that it seems to be almost a work of nature.”

    [ This Message was edited by: TM Moses VII on 2002-04-28 21:09 ]

  • i’m bout the pudding and ford explorer one….btw I stole your napoleon one…its very witty mua ha ha

  • eh…Macbeth is bettah!

  • '19 Moderator

    An old favorite and a new one inspired by HFW

  • another d-backs fan eh? keep that record updated!

  • Damn Dbacks… Yankees will have revenge this year!

  • You said it Yanny! 124 million dollars has to buy something!

    I don’t know who is my favorite player anymore now that O’Neill is gone!

  • My favorite player, Tino, is gone =( And Giambi sucks too!

  • hey tino sucked! him and giambi are peas in a pod!

    damn, we’re losing 3-0 now, but soriano had a double! i’m starting to cheer for him now, because he is a relatively new player. I hope he becomes a great yankee.

  • '19 Moderator

    Damn mets!
    And I’m not just another fan, I live here, and I became a baseball fan when we got the team. I even worked on the construction of the ballpark.

    It’s to bad that an average fan can’t afford to go to the world series, I guess I will have to save my pennies and get season tickets. :smile:

    “Always mystify confuse and confound the enemy” Gen. Thomas J Jackson
    D-Backs- 16W 11L


    [ This Message was edited by: dezrtfish on 2002-05-01 21:49 ]

  • Mets have been whoopin’ you! I hope it is a subway series this year.

    You worked on that huge phoenix stadium? Does it have AC and a retractable dome?

  • '19 Moderator

    Yep, I worked on the fire sprinklers. I is unbeliveable that they can aircondition that thing butwithin a couple hours they can drop the temperature over 20 degrees. I don’t think it helps the field much but the stands are quite comfortable even when it is 100 degrees out side.

    It’s amazing to watch the roof open, they open it up before some of the games and at the end of others.

  • '19 Moderator

    Forgot my signature!

  • So your sig is that important eh?

    Does that stadium have a nick-name, like the house that the Cleveland Indians built?

  • Tino was the Yankee’s best slugger during the playoffs. He had the least errors of any infielder (actually, I believe he was tied with Jeter). And, he is the only player ever to hit 2 Grand Slams in a world series (vs the Padres).

    And, he’s cheaper than Giambi!

  • isn’t he kicking ass thus far on whatever team he’s on. last time i heard his name mentioned he won the game…i can’t remember the team name.

  • '19 Moderator

    The official name is Bank One Ballpark, but everyone calls it the Bob.

  • '19 Moderator

    Take that Met fans!
    Now lets see if we can split the series.

  • thje sox did the same to the yanks. hopefully the mets go 3-1!

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