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Germany 4
Buys: 1 bomb, 9 inf, 1 mech, 1 tank
Combat moves:
2 inf vib to kar
fig, tac z112 to kar
bomb wger to epol
3 inf rom to epol
1 inf, 1 fig, 1 tac wpol to epol
4 inf, 1 fig, 1 tac wpol to bst
ARolls: 2@1 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 22@1: (5, 2)1@3: (1)1@4: (4)
DRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
epol taken, no losses
tac epol to z97
tra z96 to z97
inf, art Malta to nita
9 mech, 2 tanks wger to hun
3 inf, art eger to wpol
1 inf rom to bes
inf, art nor to fin
fig, tac kar to fin
1 fig bst to fin
bb, ac, cru, 2 dd, tra z112 to z113
tac bst to z113
2 inf wger to nor by tra
1 sub z109 to z124
1 sub z109 to z111
bomb, fig epol to wger
3 inf to efra
3 inf to eger
3 inf, mech, tank, bomb to wger
Income: 49 IPCs
Epl liberated, 1inf lost.
Karelia liberated, no losses.
1bmb Karelia -> Novgorod
2fgt, 1tac Epl -> Novgorod
1inf S. Ukranie -> N. Ukranie
12inf Buryatia -> Amur
6inf Timguska -> Novo
5inf Russia -> Bryansk
1art Karelia -> Bel
1SS sz106 -> sz91
Place Units:
3inf Novgorod
6inf, 1fgt Russia
Collect $36
Japan 4
Buys: 1 tank, 2 mech, 1 bb, 3 dd, save 1 IPC
Combat moves:
inf kan to tsi
1 inf she to sik
2 inf, art she to sze
3 bomb shs to sze
3 inf Burma to eind
2 fig, 2 tac shs to eind (land attack)
1 inf dngui to ngui
1 tra z45 to z41
1 inf dngui to sum by tra
1 tra, bb, cru z45 to z33 (support car)
1 inf, art dngui to car by tra
tra, bb z6 to z34 (support car)
inf iwo, 1 inf jap to car by tra
dd z6 to z16
fig, tac jap to z16
bomb phi to z16
sum, ngui, kan, tsi taken, defenseless
ARolls: 2@1 2@2 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 42@1: (4, 6)2@2: (1, 6)1@3: (3)2@4: (2, 2)
DRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (5, 1)
India taken, no losses, facilities stolen, big IC is now a minor IC, 2 IPCs stolen
1 inf sui to kan
3 inf, art, aa gun sui to she
art shs to Burma
mech, tank, 1 fig, 1 tac yun to Burma
fig, tac eind to Burma
inf man to bei
ac z42 to z41
1 fig, 1 tac eind to z41
cru, bb z42 to z37
dd z45 to z37
tra z42 to z35
ac, sub z6 to z33
ac, tac, fig z45 to z33
ac, dd, fig, tac z35 to z33
fig, tac z42 to z33
bomb, tac, fig z16 to jap
2 fig, tac kwa to jap
tac phi to jap
1 fig, 1 tac yun to Java
3 bomb sze to hkon
2 mech, tank to mal
bb, 3 dd to z6
Income: 78 + 1 + 2 = 81 IPCs
That’s not gonna help :-P
Trj holds without loss, 4fgt, 1tac retreat.
1inf SAF -> Rhodesia
1inf, 1art SAF -> FWA via 1tp sz71 -> sz83
2inf Quebec -> Gibraltar via fleet sz106 -> sz91
1inf, 1tnk Brazil -> Algeria via 1tp sz86 -> sz91
2inf Brazil -> British Guyana
4fgt UK -> Gibraltar
3inf, 1art Ethiopia -> Sud
1inf Belgian Congo -> Sud
1inf Kenya -> Sud
3inf Rhodesia -> Belgian Congo
3fgt Trj -> Sud
fgt, 1tac Trj -> C. Persia
1tnk E. Persia -> C. Persia
7inf W. India -> E. Persia
Place Units:
1DD sz106
2mech, 1tnk SAF
1SS sz109
London $33+1=34
Anzac 3:
Purchase & Repair:
1fgt (10)
1SS, 1DD sz63 -> sz26
2SS sz62 -> sz63
2fgt New Zealand -> Hawai Islands
1fgt S. Australia -> New Zealand
1inf New south Wales -> S. Australia
Place Units:
1fgt New South Wales
Collect $10
Italy 4
Buys: 1 bb, 3 inf
Combat moves:
1 inf trj to Iraq
2 tra z96 to z99
art nita to cyp by tra
1 inf nita to syr by tra
Combat: syr, Iraq, cyp taken, empty
2 inf alg to tun
inf, art, trj to egy
2 tanks (tob, ale) to egy
1 fig ale to egy
2 inf, art tob to ale
1 fig ale to sita
aa gun nita to sita
aa gun wger to nita
ac z97 to z99
1 dd z96 to z99
cru, 2 dd z96 to z97
Deploy: bb to z97, 3 inf to sita
Income: 32 IPCs
US 4:
Purchase & Repair:
1BB (20)
1CV (16)
1DD (8)
3tp (21)
1tnk (6)
3inf (9)
1tnk W. US -> Hawai Islands via fleet sz10 -> sz26
1inf, 1art New Zealand -> Hawai Islands via 1tp sz63 -> sz26
2inf, 1mech, 1tnk C. US -> Algeria via 2tp sz101 -> sz91
2fgt sz91 -> UK
1inf, 1art Gibraltar -> Algeria via 1tp sz91
2fgt, 2tac, 2bmb New Zealand -> Hawai Islands
1SS sz16 -> sz26
2DD, 1CA, 1BB, 1CV sz63 -> sz26
1DD sz63 -> sz46
Place Units:
1BB, 1CV, 1DD sz10
3tp sz101
1tnk, 3inf C. US
Collect $50+30=80
China 4:
save 4
France 4:
1DD sz83 -> sz91
Germany 5
Buys: 1 fig, 9 inf, 3 mech
Combat moves:
inf vyb to kar
art, 1 fig, 1 tac fin to kar
4 inf bes to epol
1 inf rom to epol
2 bomb wger to epol
1 fig fin to epol
tac z113 to epol
tac z99 to epol
ARolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@2: (6, 2)1@3: (6)1@4: (5)
DRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)