@captainwalker a73e2fa9-6c50-41b9-8ac4-5a253057794e-triplea_41695_1thai.tsvg
Funcioneta (Axis) vs Yoshi (Allies) - G40 OOB (game 2)
sze cleared, art 1 fig lost
2 inf, art hop to she
4 inf, art, aa gun cha to sui
inf bei to man
dd, ac z37 to z45
fig, tac Siam to z45sub z42 to z39
ac z34 to z42
art mal to shs
3 bomb Java to shs
fig, tac Burma to shs
1 fig, 1 tac sze to shsmech, tank kwa to yun
2 fig, 2 tac sze to yun2 fig, tac sze to kwa
bomb z35 to phi
tac z33 to phidd z6 to z16
mIC to mal
bb, dd, sub, tra to z6Income: 58 + 1 = 59 IPCs
Turn 3 and both china and india look dead… this does not look good :|
Will have to think on something to manage Japan :?
I lack of experience, but this one looks like a japanese win…
Anyway, I’ll play at least a few more rounds, at least to learn :)
UK 3:
Purchase & Repair:
2DD (16)
1tp (7)
1art (4)
2inf (6)Calcutta
1art (4)
1inf (3)Combat moves:
Trj (1inf, 1tnk)
1inf, 1art Iraq
1fgt, 1tac C. PersiaKenya ()
1inf Belgian CongoEthiopia (1inf)
3inf, 1art SudDice…
Iraq rd1
A: 1inf, 1art, 1fgt, 1tac
Rolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 5)1@3: (5)1@4: (5)
Kenya liberated (mt).
Trj liberated, no losses.
Ethiopia taken, no losses.NCM:
3inf SAF -> Rhodesia
1DD sz72 -> sz71
1tp sz76 -> sz71
2inf E. US -> Quebec
1tnk E. US -> Brazil via 1tp sz101 -> sz86 (3inf join Churchill)
1DD, 1CA sz101 -> sz91
1fgt, 1tac Trj -> Iraq
3fgt India -> Iraq
1tnk India -> E. Persia
7inf India -> W. IndiaPlace Units:
1tp, 2DD sz106
2inf, 1art SAF
1inf, 1art IndiaCollect
London $34-5=29
Calcutta $4-2=2
Anzac 3:
Purchase & Repair:
2SS (12)
1inf (3)NCM:
1SS, 1DD sz62 -> sz63
2fgt Queensland -> New Zealand
3inf, 1art, 1fgt Queensland -> S. Australia
1mech New south Wales -> S. AustraliaPlace Units:
1inf New South Wales
2SS sz62Collect $10
trj taken, no losses
2 fig trj to ale
tank tob to aleall fleets to z96
tank yug, 2 inf art nita to tob by traDeploy:
3 inf to nita
ac, sub to z97Income: 29 IPCs
Sz16 cleared, no losses.
Gibraltar liberated (mt).NCM:
fleet sz101 -> sz91
1inf, 1art Hawai Islands -> New Zealand via fleet sz26 -> sz63
1tac sz26 -> New Zealand
1fgt Hawai Islands -> New Zealand
1tac W. US -> Hawai Islands
2bmb sz16 -> Hawai Islands
1fgt, 1tac, 2bmb Queenslands -> New Zealand
1inf, 1tnk E. US -> C. USPlace Units:
2tp sz101
1inf C. US
1tp, 5DD, 1CV sz10Collect $50+30=80
China 1:
2inf (6)
save 1
Combat moves:
Kansu (1inf)
1fgt TsinghaiDice…
Kansu rd1-10
A: 1fgt
Rolls: 10@3; Total Hits: 510@3: (4, 6, 6, 2, 3, 3, 6, 2, 6, 2)
D: 1inf
Rolls: 10@2; Total Hits: 810@2: (2, 2, 6, 6, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1)
This infantry was not kidding :lol:
Kansu holds without loss.
Place Units:
2inf Szechwan
Collect $3+1=4
France 1:
1inf FEA -> Sud
1DD sz71 -> sz83 -
Seems I should delete my z16 dd …
oops… sorry about that.
Germany 4
Buys: 1 bomb, 9 inf, 1 mech, 1 tank
Combat moves:
2 inf vib to kar
fig, tac z112 to karbomb wger to epol
3 inf rom to epol
1 inf, 1 fig, 1 tac wpol to epol4 inf, 1 fig, 1 tac wpol to bst
Rolls: 2@1 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 22@1: (5, 2)1@3: (1)1@4: (4)
DRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
epol taken, no losses
tac epol to z97
tra z96 to z97
inf, art Malta to nita9 mech, 2 tanks wger to hun
3 inf, art eger to wpol
1 inf rom to bes
inf, art nor to fin
fig, tac kar to fin
1 fig bst to finbb, ac, cru, 2 dd, tra z112 to z113
tac bst to z113
2 inf wger to nor by tra1 sub z109 to z124
1 sub z109 to z111
bomb, fig epol to wger
3 inf to efra
3 inf to eger
3 inf, mech, tank, bomb to wgerIncome: 49 IPCs