Thanks @Stucifer, @SuperbattleshipYamato
& @Krieghund. I suspected that was the case but was really hoping it wasn’t.
Reprinting Pacific
are they reprinting the pacific game like they are reprinting the europe game? I’m assuming they are since they need to update the setup. Any rumors on this?
Of course there will also be a 2nd edition of Pacific.
Do we have a final setup for Pacific 1940 (not global) yet? Please don’t point me to a 100+ or 300+ page long comment thread about global.
Not yet.
What do you mean by second edition of pacific? Is that just reprinted with alpha 3.5?
And if Pacific 1940 does get reprinted, can you please re-do the board as well, in order to correct the errors that are printed on the current version?
And if Pacific 1940 does get reprinted, can you please re-do the board as well, in order to correct the errors that are printed on the current version?
errors? :?
And if Pacific 1940 does get reprinted, can you please re-do the board as well, in order to correct the errors that are printed on the current version?
And include the correct number of Japanes tactical bombers?
And if Pacific 1940 does get reprinted, can you please re-do the board as well, in order to correct the errors that are printed on the current version?
errors? :?
Well, there’s that weird thing with Western US, then there’s SZ6, then there’s Honolulu on the wrong island.
will there be a huge difference you think with the new one making waiting for it a good idea or if I can get the current pacific version for 70.00 is that a good buy or if I can find 1942 for 35.00 (which I can I have seen it this past weekend) is that the route I should go rather then europe and pacific?
And if Pacific 1940 does get reprinted, can you please re-do the board as well, in order to correct the errors that are printed on the current version?
errors? :?
Well, there’s that weird thing with Western US, then there’s SZ6, then there’s Honolulu on the wrong island.
oh, but whats wrong with SZ6?
Too small-SZ 5 shouldn’t touch Korea.
lol just looked at the board and honululu is on the wrong island like you said…… SZ6 is not that small
I never said it was small, I just said it was too small. SZ6 is the Japan-Korea SZ. Meaning it should cover all of Japan’s and Korea’s borders.
What he’s trying to say is that Korea is adjacent to SZ 5, which it shouldn’t be. The line goes just south of the Korea-Amur border.
Also the island in seazone 34 should be spelled “Palau Islands” instead of Paulau Island.
I think that’s just a different spelling…
I think you’re BOTH wrong.
I think you’re BOTH wrong.
Then why in the Alpha +3 Japanese set up does Larry spell it as Palau?
I believe the correct spelling is ‘Palau’. In game terms, the space on the board should be called Palau Island. But it does in fact have smaller islands jutting off of it (see Google map image below) so I guess the game space could be called Palau Islands. Profiles/Palau/Palau.JPG