Neutral Rule idea-Income accrues from turn 1-build when invaded/taken

  • All of your examples have to deal with invading pro neutrals, can you give an example of invading a strict neutral?  My concern is still every neutral country turning against you, would they all get tons of free units too?

  • Those that have income would when entered.

  • Could you give an example of attacking a strict neutral?

  • Example:

    America invades Spain on turn 5: 2 times 5=10, Germany decides to purchase a fighter to join the 6 infantry in defense. On turn 6, Germany moves into Sweden (now pro axis) and spends 12 IPCs to add 3 artillery to the 6 men that join Germany on its Noncombat move. On Italy’s turn 6, they noncombat move into Saudi Arabia and purchase 2 armor to join the 2 infantry garrison which become Italian units.

  • Ok i think i understand the rules now.

  • Customizer

    I don’t understand something on the Pro-your side neutrals.  In your example where Sweeden is now Pro-Axis because USA invaded Spain:  Germany moves into Sweeden on it’s non-combat move.  How is Germany able to spend the 12 IPCs for 3 Artillery to place with the 6 Infantry they get from Sweeden?  They already spent their IPCs in the Purchase Units/Repair phase at the beginning of their turn.  Where is the 12 IPCs coming from?

    Also, Sweeden is worth 3 IPCs, so on turn 6 it would be 18 IPCs.

  • well, the units are placed at the end of the turn in the mobilize new units phase.  Still I am not sure this is a balanced approach, it seems like it is more likely to keep anyone from invading strict neutrals because the other team will reap very large rewards in troops.  Would this approach work with neutral blocks?  What are your thoughts on our current neutral blocks discussion?

  • I’m not a big fan of buying on the fly as invaded, it allows the defender to tailor their units specifically to what is attacking them way more then the game is designed to allow.

    If you want neutrals to have money to spend, give them a ‘Neutral purchasing’ turn in the order of events at either the beginning of a round or at the end of a round.  They shouldn’t exist outside of the normal rules simply for the sake of simplicity because it unbalanaces the effect of attacking them.

    oh hey Germany brought 3 airplanes, i’ll buy a AA gun as they invade, ha ha!  instead of germany player thinking ‘they have a AA gun, i’ll bring tanks…’

  • @knp7765:

    I don’t understand something on the Pro-your side neutrals.  In your example where Sweeden is now Pro-Axis because USA invaded Spain:  Germany moves into Sweeden on it’s non-combat move.  How is Germany able to spend the 12 IPCs for 3 Artillery to place with the 6 Infantry they get from Sweeden?  They already spent their IPCs in the Purchase Units/Repair phase at the beginning of their turn.  Where is the 12 IPCs coming from?

    Also, Sweeden is worth 3 IPCs, so on turn 6 it would be 18 IPCs.

    Its uses the same mechanic as when France is “liberated” (12 IPCS spent and immediately placed)….so Sweden (worth 18 on turn 6) would immediately spend and place 18 IPCs worth or material to place on Sweden when occupied. If it helps, think of it as a Neutral NO that is used once per game per neutral.

  • @salan:

    I’m not a big fan of buying on the fly as invaded, it allows the defender to tailor their units specifically to what is attacking them way more then the game is designed to allow.

    If you want neutrals to have money to spend, give them a ‘Neutral purchasing’ turn in the order of events at either the beginning of a round or at the end of a round.  They shouldn’t exist outside of the normal rules simply for the sake of simplicity because it unbalanaces the effect of attacking them.

    oh hey Germany brought 3 airplanes, i’ll buy a AA gun as they invade, ha ha!  instead of germany player thinking ‘they have a AA gun, i’ll bring tanks…’

    If you are worried about an aagun and have the tanks, just use those. I’m not saying this is the best idea ever. I was just pondering it…I do think it would give players pause when attacking any neutral very late in the game.

  • Customizer

    So the IPCs that you spend on whatever units you decide to place in the Pro-neutral territory are sort of extra that you get at that point and not part of your regular income.  Okay, I understand it better now.

    It is an interesting idea.  Definitely a different way to play the game.  Sometimes it’s nice to add something a little different into the mix.  It can get boring playing the same game with the same rules over and over.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Should propose that in the delta threads!  Great idea!  Would seriously punish a round 12 invasion of Spain (+8 more defending infantry?  EEK!)

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