Before you ask I will explain.
Turn one
Russia moves 2 Inf from Eve to Novo
UK builds an IC in India, moves the transport to Aus, the Inf from syr to Persia, two fighters to Kar.
The US builds an IC in Sin, evacuates China to Sin.
Turn two
Russia moves 2 Inf from Novo to Sin, two fighters from Kar to Sin
Britain build 3 Inf in India transport 2 Inf from Aus to Ind, move 1Inf from Persia to India, move 2 Ftr from Kar to India
Us build two Inf. in Sin.
At this point I don’t think you will be attacking India or Sinkiang as you are clearly out matched. You will of course be able to over take the production of 5 Inf per turn But I believe it will be to long of a delay.
I think India and China need to be attacked on the first turn to set up the fall of sinkiang on turn two. If Russia attacks Manchuria they are setting themselves up for a swift counter-attack and sacrificing a valuable tank in the process.