• I’ve got another good point to bring up about arty in general.  I love them and have used them from the beginning.  I prefer a 2-3 ration art to inf provided that my lead stack can be reinforced with captured IC’s.  Any other shortfalls in inf can be made up with mech inf.

    Russia is uniquely positioned to take full advantage of arty guns.  They have a long vulnerable front, lots of inf and few ftrs to allow for attritional battles.  When fighting as Russia you might be able to contest locations and keep the attritional war up by parceling out a few arty guns to go with inf to capture border territories.  Arty are cheaper than aircraft and allow the Russians to purchase flesh for the meat grinder instead of ftrs for defense/attrition battles.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I wish I was that lucky.


    Luck is when PREPARATION meets OPPURTUNITY!

  • One of our players likes to buy lots of Tanks and sometimes he has hot rolls and he’ll do well and it can look intimidating 10 or 15 Tanks sitting on your door step, but when he has to loose Tanks because of lack of defense that can really take the wind out of his sails. He has had some victories that way but not many.
      Always buy enough Inf to back up your Tanks  and then a few more to make up for bad dice. When you have enough Inf on there way Tanks can move fast
      30$ is it better to have 10 Inf or 6 Inf and 2 Tanks or 4 Inf and 3 Tanks or the 2 Inf and 4 Tanks or go for the 5 Tanks
          I think it depends on what round it is and where you are (on the doorstep of Moscow or on the border)

  • Customizer

    One nasty little trick our Russian player likes to pull against Germany is to pull his forces back, leaving open territories.  The German player (often me) will have a good supply of infantry with tanks but gets fooled into blitzing with the tanks/mechs and leaving the infantry/artillery behind.  Then Russia counterattacks and Germany loses all or most of his tanks while the infantry/artillery are still too far behind.  By the time they get to the front, they have no supporting armor punch.
    As Germany, I fell for this a couple of times before wising up.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Every formation in the game was weaknesses and strengths…  It’s how you use BOTH of those to your advantage, that is the difference maker in winning or losing.

    A VERY good understanding of the rules helps here,  when you know things like if you send just aircraft at an opposing navy, your enemy can’t use his subs and so on.  Or knowing when to give up an aa gun to stop a blitz.

    It’s all those things that help… and experience.

    The only thing you can’t beat, is dice.  But you can fight em! Or fight with em!

  • I really like what Gargantua said, “The only thing you can’t beat, is dice.  But you can fight em! Or fight with em!”

    When I play I always keep in mind probabilities. Here’s an example. I once got caught in a naval arms race with the U.S., while playing as Japan. My opponent was buying nothing, but battleships, but rather then try and match him Battleship for Battleship, I chose to invest in cheaper units, that would allow me to roll more die than him.

    If you pit 2 Battleships vs. 2 Battleships there is a 33% chance he will win, a 33% chance I will and 33% chance we destroy each other(on average). However, if I take my 40 IPCs and spend them on 1 Battleship, 2 Submarines and a 1 Destroyer, suddenly his odds of winning are reduced to 30%, mine increase to 60% with a 10% of mutual destruction. I’ve given my 40 IPCs more bang.

    Just some food for thought.

  • '17 '16 '13 '12


    I really like what Gargantua said, “The only thing you can’t beat, is dice.  But you can fight em! Or fight with em!”

    When I play I always keep in mind probabilities. Here’s an example. I once got caught in a naval arms race with the U.S., while playing as Japan. My opponent was buying nothing, but battleships, but rather then try and match him Battleship for Battleship, I chose to invest in cheaper units, that would allow me to roll more die than him.

    If you pit 2 Battleships vs. 2 Battleships there is a 33% chance he will win, a 33% chance I will and 33% chance we destroy each other(on average). However, if I take my 40 IPCs and spend them on 1 Battleship, 2 Submarines and a 1 Destroyer, suddenly his odds of winning are reduced to 30%, mine increase to 60% with a 10% of mutual destruction. I’ve given my 40 IPCs more bang.

    Just some food for thought.

    Battleship builds are a dream come through for Japan, as Japan, buy 6 submarines and save 4 bucks. After you sink the steel cans you can go interdict as needed.  :evil:

  • @BlynderOG:

    I really like what Gargantua said, “The only thing you can’t beat, is dice.  But you can fight em! Or fight with em!”

    When I play I always keep in mind probabilities. Here’s an example. I once got caught in a naval arms race with the U.S., while playing as Japan. My opponent was buying nothing, but battleships, but rather then try and match him Battleship for Battleship, I chose to invest in cheaper units, that would allow me to roll more die than him.

    If you pit 2 Battleships vs. 2 Battleships there is a 33% chance he will win, a 33% chance I will and 33% chance we destroy each other(on average). However, if I take my 40 IPCs and spend them on 1 Battleship, 2 Submarines and a 1 Destroyer, suddenly his odds of winning are reduced to 30%, mine increase to 60% with a 10% of mutual destruction. I’ve given my 40 IPCs more bang.

    Just some food for thought.

    Yes, I remember that battle not going so well. <_<

  • A navy with 2 or 3 battleships will always fair better than a navy without.
    Something that people often fail to consider is the 2 hits accredited to these ships.
    The same applies to the carriers. Carriers should not have 2 hits, only battleships should.

  • '10


    Carriers should not have 2 hits, only battleships should.

    Not so sure about that, but i must admit : 2 hits Carriers = the end of Battleships purchases in most of the situations…

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I still buy the odd battleship.

    Besides… it’s not about when you buy battleships as much as it is about how you use the ones you start with.

    And yes, 2 or 3, with a carrier mix are great,  I LOVE the Strafing Navy…  Carriers can’t do that aswell, because the fighters can’t land on them after for the retreat! And you can only scramble up to 3! :S

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