I forgot about Micro Mark.
All kinds of supplies and tools there.
I think that should read “Mt. Nataka”. But at this point, I’m too tired to spell even my own name correctly. haha.
“Tall Paul”
Actually it was “Climb Mount Niitaka” :-)
You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. I mispelled the name. But I invite you to refer to the the next 14 words I typed.
Orizen, I’m actually thankful you corrected my spelling error because, as the serious student of History that I am, I want the correct info passed on to everyone. Thanks.
And I will again repeat my sincere request thatI hope the “Coach” will release his Pearl Harbor game soon,…or at least give us some updates on it.
Like I Say,……What Do YA’LL Think???
“Tall Paul”
ya coach!!
Tall Paul,
Wakarimasu! I was a little fuzzy myself and had to double check to make sure about that second “i” :-D
Do itashimashite.
I also echo your sentiments on the Pearl Harbor game and add a call for Coral Sea and Midway!
May I request you to make a new thread about your futurePearl Harbor game I don’t know where you are along with it, or how much time you have to devote to it,…but it seems that there would be enough interest in it to warrant a thread of it’s own so we could keep up with any developements. Thanks for listening.
“Tall Paul”
May I request you to make a new thread about your futurePearl Harbor game I don’t know where you are along with it, or how much time you have to devote to it,…but it seems that there would be enough interest in it to warrant a thread of it’s own so we could keep up with any developements. Thanks for listening.
“Tall Paul”
I will,
I am very busy this week trying to ready for a 7 day vacation so no orders will go out after Friday morning for the next 8 days.
I need some time off, 80 hour work weeks are taking their toll on me. I will start the Pearl Harbor game thread when I get back.
I will also start the Axis Minor pre-order and give you more information on the next set after the U.S sculpts that I have already posted. The “Neutral” set will be done in 6 colors and will have some totally different pieces than you have seen so far. I will also be posting a poll for the next set.
That’s GREAT news “Coach”. About EVERYTHING you mentioned. I sincerely hope you enjoy your vacation and put everything A&A out of your mind for a short while during your vac. It looks like several people are already looking forward to your P.H. game. Have FUN and we’ll hear from you soon.
“Tall Paul”
coach i admire you<3
how many pieces in each set?
i meant how many of each pieces are going to be in the set?
i meant how many of each pieces are going to be in the set?
(2) of each except (4) P-51 and (4) Airborne
That would be:
2 Mack Trucks
2 CVE Escort Carriers
2 “Nevada” class Battleships
2 M-5 “Stuart” Light Tanks
2 Tank Destroyers
2 M-7 “Priest” Self Propelled Artillery(Mech Art.)
2 C-46 “Commando” Cargo Planes
2 P-40 “Warhawk” Fighters
2 B-25 “Mitchell” Medium Bombers
2 TBF Torpedo Bombers
4 P-51 “Mustang” Fighters
4 “Airborne” Infantry
This is going to be a GREAT set! I’m really looking forward to “Coach” returning from his well deserved vacation and accepting our pre-orders. I’m ready!
“Tall Paul”
Hmmm. I may have to end up ordering 10 of the US set. I was originally looking at 5 sets, but I will want more M-5s, Mack Trucks and M-7s for sure. Probably more B-25s and P-40s too.
Ordering 10 sets would not only increase your potiential A&A “FUN FACTOR”, but by doing so would help fuel the “Coach’s” snowball for getting additional A&A unit/sets produced. As an A&A gamer myself I respectfully say THANK YOU for your support of these new units and by doing so making all of our A&A gaming more FUN.
“Tall Paul”
im looking forward to the fighters. so i think imma end up buying 4-5 sets. as for the m-5s and p-40s i remember a while back he said they would be included for a nationalist chinese set
im looking forward to the fighters. so i think imma end up buying 4-5 sets. as for the m-5s and p-40s i remember a while back he said they would be included for a nationalist chinese set
That would be cool too. I would kind of like to see a little more variety for Chinese units. Although, if I play Japan, I sure wouldn’t want to see China getting tanks. Still, maybe just to see these units in the Chinese yellow/green color would be cool.
Hmmm. I may have to end up ordering 10 of the US set. I was originally looking at 5 sets, but I will want more M-5s, Mack Trucks and M-7s for sure. Probably more B-25s and P-40s too.
I paid for the US mold before I left for vacation, it is on it’s way to being made.
It will be a good set.
Please let us know when we can pre-order this GREAT set. Man, with the units you’ve included in this set I would be surprised if it wasn’t your most popular set.
“Tall Paul”