• War is long and bloody! It takes a sound strategy but also a willing to adjust as conditions change. But the longer the war lasts, the more the tide shifts to the allies. There are a few key points for the axis. Italy can not lose its navy! If it does, the war is pretty much over. With Germanys help, Italy needs to challenge Britain for controll of Africa. Pay close attention to all NO. Not just your own but also your enemies. Don’t let them get the extra IPCS.
      On the Pacific side, Japan has a steep hill to climb. It needs the Southern Resource Areas. This income will replace 10 IPCS it will lose once it is at war with the US. Japan needs to prevent the allies from getting as many as possible of their NO. Japan desperately needs IPCS.
      My brother and I have just started our 4th game of Global and have yet to win as the Axis. The game we are on now, I am the Axis and we have 2 turns completed. Italy has captured Cairo and Germany has built a minor factory in Yugoslvia to shuffle some of its own troops to Africa. Japan is poised to strike the Southern Resource Areas. “Attack! Attack! Always attack!” Gen. G. S. Patton.

  • I think you’re focusing too much on Africa and not enough on Russia.  Taking Africa as Italy can be important, but helping Germany to get the required number of VCs in Russia brings the Axis much closer to victory.  Germany really shouldn’t be sending much to Africa unless Russia is no longer a threat (except perhaps for one land unit for the NO).  Some people here would say that even Japan should go after Russia to weaken it despite that meaning it’s giving up its own opportunities for expansion in the more valuable South.

    Also, as a side note, if Britain falls to a successful Sea Lion (probably on G3) Africa is easier to take.  It also relieves pressure on Japan a bit because the US will want to liberate London.  Also, if you aren’t doing it already, it’s almost always a good idea to send planes down to Southern Italy G1 to help protect the scattered Italian fleet.

    As in real life and previous A&A games, the most important part of the war is fought in Russia.  (A few people may disagree with me, but probably not many, and I like being melodramatic.:))  On a more serious note, look at how many VCs the Axis needs to win in Europe.  It needs to either go into Russia or across the Atlantic, and one of those is a lot easier.

  • The game is ALL about the NO’s, and more specifically, the middle easy.

    Caucusus  + 5
    Volvograd  + 5
    Iraq + 2
    Persia + 2
    NW Persia + 2
    Egypt + 5 for German Land Unit ( +5 if you consider it’s part of larger 3 of 4 NO for Italy)

    21 IPC’s  JUST in NO’s.

    Save the Continental USA, There is no greater region on the board, than the middle east, that controls such a hefty amount of IPC’s.  (And we’re not even talking territory value).    It should be the primary Axis Target for ANYONE trying to strike the possibility of relative economic parity with the allies.

    Nothing else matters as much.  Unless each turn you are destroying swaths of your opponents medium stacks.

  • The middle east idea is interesting.

    The goal in my current strategy is for Italy to focus on middle east and coast of Africa while Japanese focus primarily on India.

    Meanwhile, Germany focuses on putting pressure on the North with its fleet. If there was a viable way to go South instead while securing still securing Norway and keeping lines short, I would consider it.


    The game is ALL about the NO’s, and more specifically, the middle easy.

    Caucusus  + 5
    Volvograd  + 5
    Iraq + 2
    Persia + 2
    NW Persia + 2
    Egypt + 5 for German Land Unit ( +5 if you consider it’s part of larger 3 of 4 NO for Italy)

    21 IPC’s  JUST in NO’s.

    Save the Continental USA, There is no greater region on the board, than the middle east, that controls such a hefty amount of IPC’s.  (And we’re not even talking territory value).    It should be the primary Axis Target for ANYONE trying to strike the possibility of relative economic parity with the allies.

    Nothing else matters as much.  Unless each turn you are destroying swaths of your opponents medium stacks.

  • @Gargantua:

    Nothing else matters as much.

    Pretty much this.  In addition to the money, it opens up another front in the Russia underbelly.

  • @Gargantua:

    The game is ALL about the NO’s, and more specifically, the middle easy.

    Caucusus  + 5
    Volvograd  + 5
    Iraq + 2
    Persia + 2
    NW Persia + 2
    Egypt + 5 for German Land Unit ( +5 if you consider it’s part of larger 3 of 4 NO for Italy)

    21 IPC’s  JUST in NO’s.

    Save the Continental USA, There is no greater region on the board, than the middle east, that controls such a hefty amount of IPC’s.  (And we’re not even talking territory value).    It should be the primary Axis Target for ANYONE trying to strike the possibility of relative economic parity with the allies.

    Nothing else matters as much.  Unless each turn you are destroying swaths of your opponents medium stacks.

    Love this strat.  I have found that Italy can get the upper hand quickly in africa and take Cairo,  but can’t hold it.  UK london builds Mech and Tanks in South africa and can rebuild to retake it .  I head for the middle east and the caucuss with Italian forces.  Hopefully this weekend as the Axis I’ll get some of theese middle easy IPCs  and slam Russia with an Italian southern front and a main axis body in southern russia with the Nazi forces following Italian forces clearing the way.  In global you get that Ukraine minor IC  and I think its an advantage Axis because if we want it we can take it and Russia will have to pull back.  of course I want Germany to have the minor IC in the Ukraine.

    Wish me luck.  I’ll need it.  can’t make very many mistakes with the Axis.

    So far none of the three of us have won as the Axis.  Russia makes too much money early in the game and I have to whittle them down and bleed them dry before that UK USA Europe front opens up on me and sucks IPCs from the east back to Europe to defend my capitals.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Easy was a typo… it’s not easy, but if it’s a focus, you can make it happen.  And it’s worth it.

    Coupled with this strat I like to bulk my German ground units in Romania,  put a minor there, and Go for UKRAINE.

    My units STOP at Ukraine, and hold a defense - thus to get an advantage over OVERWHELMING Russian forces.  Build Mec/Arm in Romania, and 3 inf in UKR, odd artillery maybe.  UKR WUK and the territories east of that, are worth some decent coin,  the rest of Russia is wasteland.

    Then use your Baltic Navy,  which has been threatening sea-lion,  FORCE YOURSELF to build a few transports (This is painful)  and Hammer Leningrad.

    The Russians have to defend 2 front at once, and can’t do it,  usually, Leningrad gets given up.

    This is a slow go though… and you need to be playing a hell of a tactical game, keeping the allies OUT of the mediterranean, by taking, sacking, blocking Gibraltar every possible second.

    Also, if your opponent is unsuspecting, from UKR, you’ll have a medium/sizable mobile force.  IF the Italians use air power effectively, they can crack open a 1 to 3 man blitz block, and the germans can break through to smash the capital - OCCASSIONALLY.  the mistake is your opponents to make.

  • @Gargantua:

    Easy was a typo… it’s not easy, but if it’s a focus, you can make it happen.  And it’s worth it.

    Coupled with this strat I like to bulk my German ground units in Romania,  put a minor there, and Go for UKRAINE.

    My units STOP at Ukraine, and hold a defense - thus to get an advantage over OVERWHELMING Russian forces.  Build Mec/Arm in Romania, and 3 inf in UKR, odd artillery maybe.  UKR WUK and the territories east of that, are worth some decent coin,  the rest of Russia is wasteland.

    Then use your Baltic Navy,  which has been threatening sea-lion,  FORCE YOURSELF to build a few transports (This is painful)  and Hammer Leningrad.

    The Russians have to defend 2 front at once, and can’t do it,  usually, Leningrad gets given up.

    This is a slow go though… and you need to be playing a hell of a tactical game, keeping the allies OUT of the mediterranean, by taking, sacking, blocking Gibraltar every possible second.

    Also, if your opponent is unsuspecting, from UKR, you’ll have a medium/sizable mobile force.  IF the Italians use air power effectively, they can crack open a 1 to 3 man blitz block, and the germans can break through to smash the capital - OCCASSIONALLY.  the mistake is your opponents to make.

    First, why do you have to build transports? You could just march there. Isn’t Germany strong enough to break the Russian lines at Baltic states and east Poland?

    And what is the 1 to 3 man blitz block?

  • Sometimes, Germany will already have the transports from an attempted Sea Lion.  They probably wouldn’t be caught totally unprepared, though, because they’d see you build those transports.  It’s a bit of a gamble, in my opinion.  And I’d rather spend the money on something I can use more than once or twice (such as tanks, artillery, infantry, etc.).  It does allow slightly faster movement to Novgorod, and could make capturing it (and its minor IC) somewhat easier, though.

    The blitz block Gargantua is probably referring to is the strategy for a nation to withdraw most of its forces from a territory soon to be captured except for one infantry to stop the enemy from blitzing through it.  Russia can do it to slow down Germany.

  • Germany to Leningrad walking with infantry is 3 game moves, by land.  They see it coming turns ahead.

    Germany to Leningrad by boat is RIGHT NOW.

    A blitz block is when you - to protect against a blitz -, leave infantry behind to die or hold, to prevent someone from moving 2 zones and taking a critical territory - like your capital.

  • after leningrad falls, you need to transports, so that whilst you are holding in ukraine, you are REINFORCING the eastern front from Leningrad everyturn.

    And on a good day, if the allies aren’t paying attention, sometimes from within the baltic, you get to sack England, and they don’t even see it coming.

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