• Sponsor

    When I read some house rules for interceptors and escorts 2 years ago, I thought, well those rules are kinda bad. Imagine how surprised I was to see similar rules in the new 1940 series (big conformation there) . On the other hand, when I played my first game of Global and used naval or air bases, I thought “now thats a great rule”. Simple units that are in line with basic A&A mechanics, and improves the game greatly.

    So, aside from what was already published and incorporated into the game. What do you think are the best house rules you have ever heard of or invented yourself.

    I will start with one that I read over a year ago… “Barracks” (I later re-named them hospitals in my game) made for the 50th AE, essentially it was a second IC unit that could only produce infantry. I believe the cost was $9 each, but I cant remember that or the author. I thought it was a great house rule and I used it a few times.

  • My favorite house rules are paratroopers and strategic assaults.

    Paratroopers would be dropped from bombers and would attack at a 2.
    Strategic assaults is more or less an SBR with artillery instead of bombers.

  • Paratroopers yes

    AAA - always active antiaircraft
    every round of combat they get a roll @ 1, against each plane.

  • Sponsor


    Paratroopers yes

    AAA - always active antiaircraft
    every round of combat they get a roll @ 1, against each plane.

    That would put their price at $25 each, I like the AA rule as is but I would allow them to shot at any enemy plane flying over their territories, during any phase, and for any reason. I also like the paratrooper rule.

  • Airplanes retreat after any round of combat.
    I also like my cargo rules and times period chart/season.
    Self propelled gun with his first shot attack and defense.


  • I can agree with you, I dont like the fact that they took away the rule where AA can shoot at any plane that passes through its territory, but I understand why.

  • Sponsor


    Airplanes retreat after any round of combat.
    I also like my cargo rules and times period chart/season.
    Self propelled gun with his first shot attack and defense.


    I like the planes retreating rule, makes sense to suggest that aircraft is the only unit that can retreat alone or even as a defender.

  • AAA - always active antiaircraft
    every round of combat they get a roll @ 1, against each plane.

    Geez…that’s a strong AA! I’won’t take the risk to fly over your territory!
    OK againts 1 plane each round but not each round.

  • i personaly liked my veteren forces rule but sadly it was  very complicated. so I havent been able to get anyone to use it in a game after i explain it  :cry:

  • Please explain vet forces, very interested !

  • ill make another topic for that i guess (so i dont risk taking over this one)

  • finnished posting the vetern unit rules  in another topic

  • Sponsor


    Please explain vet forces, very interested !

    I once read a house rule where if your infantry stack had 1 black chip (leader) than all infantry with it got 2 dice each to hit and defend. each power got one to start the game, they couldn’t be bought and they couldn’t be used to defend capitals. very cool idea, but it never got refined enough, and had lots of loopholes.

  • I like Anti sub warfare or ASW.
    Only destroyers and cruisers can attack subs but must make a detection roll to locate or pin the sub first. each attacking ship gets 1 die roll. 1-3 sub is detected. 4-6 sub has eluded attackers. you only need one ship to get a 1-3 and all ships can attack sub. planes can also attack subs if accompanied by destroyers.
    this rule really helps to simulate the stealth abilities of a submarine.
    Also subs get to target ships. not such a far stretch. the only condition is if a destroyer is present, and the sub gets a hit, the destroyer has to be taken before a battleship, carrier, or cruiser.
    That is ASW

  • Sponsor

    I was thinking about how hard it is to reach Moscow. This might not be the best rule ever, but what if a mech infantry could pull an artillery 2 spaces where ever the mech moves?

  • Customizer

    That’s not a bad idea to link artillery with mechs on a 1-1 basis for movement.  Although, it might be obsolete if people start incorporating self-propelled artillery into the game.  HBG is already making SPGs in his Axis Minors set.
    A couple of house rules that my group uses:
    1 - Defending Subs are allowed to submerge after first round of combat even with enemy destroyer(s) present.  Basically, the attacker gets to roll with whatever he/she is attacking with, including aircraft of course.  If they score hits on the subs, then tough luck.  If they miss some/all of the subs, then the subs can submerge and escape the battle.  I get the idea of destroyers cancelling the first strike capabilities of subs and spotting them for aircraft attack, but I have never liked the idea that a sub is “trapped” and can’t submerge just because an enemy destroyer is present.  In reality, subs COULD still evade destroyers, it was just a little harder.  Plus, I don’t like the idea of a single destroyer showing up with 10 fighters to wipe out a stack of subs.  That just doesn’t seem right to me.
    2 - Heavy Bombers get to roll 2 dice and get BOTH results.  In combat, it is 2 hits (@ 4 or less of course).  In SBRs, they get BOTH dice worth of damage, although I don’t add the extra 2 like with regular bombers.  I think if you spend the money to research that tech, your Heavy Bombers should pack a bigger wallup.  Rolling 2 dice and just picking the best one isn’t Heavy Bombing.  That’s more like precision bombing or smart bombs which I think is beyond the technology of the time period of this game.
    3 - Mechanized Infantry can “blitz” on their own.  We just don’t think that mechs should have to be paired with tanks to take over empty territories.  They still only attack at 1 so if they run into any enemy troops, then they may be in trouble but empty territories should be able to be exploited.

  • Makes for a longer game, but only half of Ipc get surrendured w the loss of  a capitol?

  • Sponsor


    Makes for a longer game, but only half of Ipc get surrendured w the loss of  a capitol?

    Where does the other half go if your capital can’t produce units?

  • " “The war goes on” - When a capital falls, only half of held IPCs (round up) are given to the conquering player.  In addition, powers with occupied capitols continue to collect IPCs and may mobilize infantry as China does.  If they control an industrial complex,they may mobilize artillery at those complexes  They may not mobilize any other units until their capitol is liberated.  As is the case with China, the movement of units is limited to their original territories."  Bill C

  • Sponsor


    " “The war goes on” - When a capital falls, only half of held IPCs (round up) are given to the conquering player.  In addition, powers with occupied capitols continue to collect IPCs and may mobilize infantry as China does.  If they control an industrial complex,they may mobilize artillery at those complexes  They may not mobilize any other units until their capitol is liberated.  As is the case with China, the movement of units is limited to their original territories."  Bill C

    I don’t know, kinda takes the buzz out of taking a capital. I mean…. all my soldiers are gonna die on the beach for half your money… thats a tough one.

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