When I read some house rules for interceptors and escorts 2 years ago, I thought, well those rules are kinda bad. Imagine how surprised I was to see similar rules in the new 1940 series (big conformation there) . On the other hand, when I played my first game of Global and used naval or air bases, I thought “now thats a great rule”. Simple units that are in line with basic A&A mechanics, and improves the game greatly.
So, aside from what was already published and incorporated into the game. What do you think are the best house rules you have ever heard of or invented yourself.
I will start with one that I read over a year ago… “Barracks” (I later re-named them hospitals in my game) made for the 50th AE, essentially it was a second IC unit that could only produce infantry. I believe the cost was $9 each, but I cant remember that or the author. I thought it was a great house rule and I used it a few times.