In the designer’s Tournament rules (which can be found here), any power can collapse, and Russia has no special rules (the Russian Revolution rules are not used).
Victory Conditions w/ Russian Revolution
Our group has played the World War I version three times with the allies winning all three. Now finally the CP look to have won. The RR was implemented and Paris fell. Is it over or does the CP need to conquer London or Rome?
Do the CP have Moscow?
Yeah you may as well just end it, even if they dont have the vcs necessary, the CP has the income that would eventually end it at India or something.
They can also conquer the US to win haha.
If the RR is triggered and the German’s don’t have Moscow, then technically they have not won an outright victory, isn’t this correct?
The RR can be a double edge sword, sure it takes out Russia but it also freezes a lot of Russian money potentially.
Correct, putting Russia into revolution doesn’t count toward the victory conditions. But with Paris in CP hands it’s likely only a matter of time.
I concur. Unless India and Africa remain in decent control of the Entente and the US are making great headway, it is most likely a win for the CP. But you might be able to stretch it out and turn some tides.
So the target for the CP would be Rome I assume if Paris can be held?
Has anyone tried an amphib attack on England?