Ah, I get what you are saying. No, I don’t have those numbers because I didn’t think of that. I would have to check out the whole setup again. In that case, it might go a little better for the Allies because they have a LOT of empty territories. The Axis have very few, I think just 2 or 3 of the Japanese islands.
Alpha+.2 Setup Charts COMPLETE!
Shouldnt Malaya have 3 UK infantry there??
They do =)
I have updated the charts once more, fixed some issues etc… you can view more info on the 1st page. I have gone over these multiple times already to avoid any further updates, and i can safely say… these are the FINAL COMPLETED charts.
Great work again! Just one problem on MediaFire. I was able to download all files but the China and France charts. I can see them, but can’t get the site to let me download. I was able to transfer them to my account files, but still could not download. It just sends me in a loop to start the download over and over again. Anyone else have issues? Can anyone offer any other suggestions here?