• True SF, but any information found will only add to the number of questions the U.S. now needs to ask Pakistan. For all we know right now, bin-Laden’s been living in Pakistan for the last ten years with the ISI’s full knowledge.

    I agree with FMG, it would have been a great show to see bin-Laden captured and put on trial, and then serve life in Gardner or Sing Sing in an eight-by-ten room shared with 400-pound Bubba.

  • '10


    True SF, but any information found will only add to the number of questions the U.S. now needs to ask Pakistan. For all we know right now, bin-Laden’s been living in Pakistan for the last ten years with the ISI’s full knowledge.

    I agree with FMG, it would have been a great show to see bin-Laden captured and put on trial, and then serve life in Gardner or Sing Sing in an eight-by-ten room shared with 400-pound Bubba.

    Even if they ended up executing him, the trial would have humiliated him and the entire movement he lead.

  • Hopefully the info captured at the compound will lead to the arrest or death of more of these thugs. I wish they would post the real picture I want to see him dead for what he did to us. As far as inflaming more hatred against the USA they have been trying every day to destroy us I don’t think the situation has changed. Think about it if the terrorist could detonate a bomb in a subway or a big building you think they would have waited for this. They would have done it already. Remember the times square bomber. Thanks God it didn’t work.

  • @cminke:

    thay dont want to relese the 1 vid and photos because of gore, but i say thats BULLSHIST. if you dont want to see dont look!

    That’s not so easy when today’s media outlets have no moral scruples. I for one don’t want my kids or anyone’s kids seeing a dead terrorist with two holes in his head, and you know that picture would be on for days.

    Remember when Nick Berg was beheaded by Al Qaeda and the whole thing was videotaped? That was put on national TV, and people just ate it up. In the weeks and months after 9/11, the news stations continued to air, rewind, and re-air the video from that tragic event. Over and over again. No, no thank you, I’m fine believing bin-Laden is dead without needing to see some bloody, bullet-ridden corpse for evidence.

  • @Zhukov_2011:

    That’s not so easy when today’s media outlets have no moral scruples. I for one don’t want my kids or anyone’s kids seeing a dead terrorist with two holes in his head, and you know that picture would be on for days.

    Totally agree.

  • @Zhukov_2011:

    True SF, but any information found will only add to the number of questions the U.S. now needs to ask Pakistan. For all we know right now, bin-Laden’s been living in Pakistan for the last ten years with the ISI’s full knowledge.

    I agree with FMG, it would have been a great show to see bin-Laden captured and put on trial, and then serve life in Gardner or Sing Sing in an eight-by-ten room shared with 400-pound Bubba.

    He’d be in solitary, 24 hour watch. Bubba would kill him, not rape him. Seriously, “prison justice” happens quite often. Like the idea though.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    IF only American Children weren’t nerfed from seeing Osama’s corpse.  They might be compelled to end terrorism and the enemies of western civilization RUTHLESSLY in thier own generation.

    They can ban the image from any media publication, but cite anyone who wants to see it to a whitehouse.gov link.  Public, but private.

    I agree capture + try would have been better, but in all honesty, wouldnt that have incited even more rioting and demonstrating abroad? and improve recruitment of zealots to fight americans, so as to secure the release of this muslim extremist “freedom fighter” as their community would call it?

    It’s good he’s dead, but just wait for Al-Jazeera to edit a tape of Osama that “seems” current enough, with him saying that he’s still alive.

    The only evidence on record that Osama is dead, is the word of a single politician.  Now I believe that to be true but…  If as a general world public we are supposed to wholeheartedly accept that as a fact, aren’t we in trouble?  Shouldn’t we ask for proof?

    Are our heads in the sand if we don’t?

  • @Gargantua:

    IF only American Children weren’t nerfed from seeing Osama’s corpse.  They might be compelled to end terrorism and the enemies of western civilization RUTHLESSLY in thier own generation.

    They can ban the image from any media publication, but cite anyone who wants to see it to a whitehouse.gov link.  Public, but private.

    Not sure that you put corpses or photos of corpses out to public view as a motivator. You can’t be sure what it is you’ll motivate. Why not just hang him up at ground zero if you think a motivator/deterent is necessary? The United States and most of the western world decided that sort of practice was not needed a long time ago.

    And good luck trying to keep any image ‘private’ that has been made ‘public.’ You really think someone won’t take some jail time for publishing it?

  • '12

    America can pass laws stating its illegal to show those photos, but good luck enforcing that law around the world.  That law would only be legal in the US.  Funny enough, America does not make world law all by itself.  In fact, in many legal cases inside Canada, it is illegal to broadcast information about the victim (most often in the case of crimes of a sexual nature to protect the victim) and often the criminal in particular when the criminal is a ‘youth’ under the age of 18, illegal in Canada to state the accused name in any form.  Yet American TV right across the border is free to violate this law and often does so, because its not WORLD law is only a law in Canada.

    Now as far as having to take the word of Obama only for Bin Laden’s death?  I guess its like the moon landing, you have to believe the astronauts, its not like anybody else would know if the guys in the capsule were actually in Hollywood.  No, not like any of the other tens of thousands would know.  It’s not like anyone on the carrier where his body was dumped from would know if that occurred, or didn’t.  Yeah, I am sure the president could lie about that and NOBODY else would ever know.  Oh wait, conspiracy theorists never accept anything as evidence that doesn’t support their view….often told them by god herself or a dog named sam.  Guess that sums it up.

  • @Gargantua:

    The only evidence on record that Osama is dead, is the word of a single politician.  Now I believe that to be true but…  If as a general world public we are supposed to wholeheartedly accept that as a fact, aren’t we in trouble?  Shouldn’t we ask for proof?

    Are our heads in the sand if we don’t?

    I don’t know where in America you live, Gar, but that process has already begun. Do you think this country would be in the position it’s in if people actually paid attention to the government and possessed even the slightest bit of skepticism? Complacency is the order of this day.

    The only reason you even know what bin-Laden looks like is because you’ve seen pictures released by the government and media outlets who say the man in the picture is indeed Osama bin-Laden. So, if they showed you a picture of a dead bin-Laden, how would you even know it was him, let alone know he was the one behind dozens of terrorist attacks? Because they told you so, that’s why. So why do you need proof of his death when you have no proof, besides what the government has said, about his role in 9/11 and other attacks? Of course, I’m not arguing against bin-Laden’s involvement in those attacks. What I’m saying is, how do you know anything the government really says is true? Do you just pick and choose?

    I’m fine without seeing the picture or having his head paraded down New York. If bin-Laden’s really dead, that’s great. If he’s still kicking, it doesn’t make much difference. Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups aren’t corporate-style pyramid organizations. They are loose, cell-based webs of extremists and supporters. Cut the head off of one group, and another one will grow in its place. The only way to limit the appeal of terrorism is to undermine its arguments and prove the fallacy of its leaders.

  • @Gargantua:

    The only proof is the word of a single politician.  With no evidence provided. Because no one wants to “inflame” the situation.

    Well, Al Quaida did confirm his death today

    There’s also common sense: if an important politician, such as a president, would lie about this, and it gets found out, i think the loss of face would be pretty much unrepairable.

    edit: flames can always go higher ;)

  • '10


    I really don’t appreciate thie poor comparison between the moon con theory, vs accepting if osama is dead.

    You see, with the moon landing there were 1000’s of witnessess with a direct link to the project/event, hundreds of people who built the shuttles, and worked with mission control.  Countless hours of preparation, a nationally televised event - with video as the proof from the 60’s, rocks were even returned from the moon, and the astronauts were hailed as national hero’s, anyone could talk to them anytime.  Whether you think it’s a hoax or not is irrelevant - there is alot of foresince, culpable evidence, to allow everyone to determine their own belief.

    Who shot Osama?  - We don’t know

    Who were the hero’s involved?  - Navy Seals is all we are told  (Wow they should be getting some medals, or the $ reward IMO)

    Where is the public evidence?  - None, not even crappy moon lander video, a picture, or named witnessess to the construction/execution of the project.

    Why didn’t anyone examine the body? - A scientist, a foreign national, anyone who could publicise there name as a trade doctor/motician/scientist to confrim the death, but no, that has not been provided.  Not even a non secret Military doctor, no death reciept/certificate.

    The only proof is the word of a single politician.  With no evidence provided. Because no one wants to “inflame” the situation.

    Honestly, inflamation is a cop out. Anyone upset by Osama’s death, is already an inflamed extremist and is an enemy of the United States and western civilization.

    Hey Gar, what is foresince? That is a new word to me. Is that evidence that was discovered before the mission or has been discovered since?

  • '10

    Yes, adios usama! I watch Fox news.

  • The US and showing graphic images is really quite funny.  We won’t show actual corpses, which can be pretty unnerving, but primetime tv is chock full of examples of graphic images on those dumb CSI shows and their ilk.  I really don’t get it.

    Additionally, showing the consequence of war might actually have the unintended effect on public opinion of Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. because of how graphic it is.  Seeing dead and mutilated bodies, especially women, children, the elderly, and noncombants would certainly turn most people off from violence.  Americans have been pretty darn insulated when it comes to war, with the only examples being acute (yet drastic) a decade ago and another 70 years ago.  Very little exposure to that, even in domestic stuff like shootings, accidents, etc.  Yet we’re willing to depict that stuff on a nightly soap opera.

    And to top it all off, we have an extremely puritanical stance on sex and sexual related images.  Not to say that there should be porn everywhere, but we don’t pass something natural like the body or reproduction the same as bashing in someone’s skull or running them over.  You can show 90% of the female breast, but as soon as you put a nipple on it, it becomes obscene, even though it nearly is identical to males (well most of them, anyway) besides possibly size (well again, maybe not so different in some) and shape.  Had Janet Jackson had a pasty on, nobody would have given a crap…ok, a few would, but still it’s ridiculous, especially when it was bookended by 30 minutes of guys pounding the crap out of each other.  I went to France and they had commercials freely showing T&A which I thought was cool because: A) I was seeing T&A B) it certainly couldn’t hurt your sales and C) it really wasn’t that big of a deal.  Everyone had seen that before.

    As far as bin Laden being dead, I believe it:

    1. There is a lot more to lose than gain if it’s a lie
    2. Al Qaeda confirmed it
    3. There are pics of the other victims at the exact compound identified earlier leaked by a Pakistani official

    I mean, if you want evidence for every death announced, then you couldn’t believe any death unless you saw it with you own eyes essentially.  Hitler, Stalin, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, JFK, etc., etc…

  • What? The media doesn’t tell the truth all the time? Since when?

  • @Fishmoto37:

    Yes, adios usama! I watch Fox news.

    didn’t Fox say Adios Obama?  :lol:


  • '12

    Faux news more like it

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Wow what a bunch of bleeding hearts.

    That’s what’s wrong with America today, you feel BAD for killing the BAD GUY.

    What do you think Osama Bin Laden wants from his death?  For you to feel exactly like that, sombre.  You guys can go ahead and play his game.

    As for me…

    DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD! Time to cheer in the streets, Good Riddance!

    Amen Gargantua! Amen.

  • '19 Moderator

    Hey guys finnaly got a sat connection.  I noticed this thread and had to comment, I am curently stationed about 100 miles from the Compound in Abbottabad…

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