this month I am playing Japan against a very good UK player and a Pacific aggressive American player. I need help because I have only played Japan once and I was completely lost. We play Alfa +2.
The thing you got to keep in mind with the Japanese is they have options… lots of them. The allies on turn 1 will wait and see what you do before they start making their moves. You should ask yourself, “What are my goals with Japan?”, and than execute that plan.
Lets see… general rule of thumb with Japan, never attack Turn 1. You need to ready yourself first before you launch your campaign, and you are never ready turn 1. This gives you some breathing room and an extra +10 IPC from USA. You also might get the added bonus of India and Anzac declaring war on you turn 1 to get their bonus’s.
Your overall objective should always be turning USA’s eyes away from the Europe board, this will give your Axis brothers time to kill Russia. If USA is 100% Europe, than your objective at that point is to win the game for your team.
Your first order of business is to always dive into China and Russia. Think about building a Minor or Major in Korea to further this endeavor. Mech and Tanks go North (after smashing Russia 18 infantry), than Infantry and Artillery to the South.
When India see’s China in trouble, it’s going to build ground troops, this is your chance! You pre-built fleet grabs some transports and loads from Japan, and you march on down and take those Dutch Islands and Threaten India. Take a good eye to convoy India while doing this. REMEMBER TO KEEP PRESSURE INLAND. Don’t let them build a fleet to counter your own. Play Defensive with Anzac and USA while heading south. Keep an eye on what can hit you, and keep enough sea units to take hits. Remember to put planes your carriers in Sea Zone 6 and take hits on them and just put your planes back on Japan. Don’t let them nail you with subs, keep enough Destroyers.
After India is down, you nail Hawaii and Anzac with all you got!