• Does anyone else want to see NA’s make a comeback, even as just optional rules? Personally I’m hoping Larry will give us some we can use. It makes each power more unique and creates another layer of tactics to utilize. What do you guys think? Do you have any ideas for NA’s?

  • Japan got Kamikaze’s, and that is a kind of NA.

    It would be kind of fun to see dark green US Marines that attack on 2 r less in Amphibious Assaults, like the classic A&A Pacific. And I like to see German Panzerblitz NA that let surviving tanks move one more space during non-combat. UK got Ultra NA and can move ships out of a seazone after Axis combat moved into it. As I remember Russia got real lame NA’s in Revised, like mobile industry, so need to figure out something for them, and for Italy too.

    I think we should stick to 2 NA’s for each nation. In Revised every nation got like 6 NA’s and that’s too much, considered A&A Global have like 10 playable nations.

  • TripleA

    NA was fun the first couple of times… but no. just no

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I’ve played some home variants with these kinds of rules, they are REALLY good, and add alot of strategic depth.  Encouraging countries to build units they might otherwise not.

    But I would only want to see NA’s on one condition however though…  they need to be relatively BALANCED.  American Superfortress were a WAY better NA than Kaiten torpedo’s for example.  The Allies always seemed to get the best NA’s.

  • Man I love these. Also just think about how the wars with France and China turn out? Well okay France’s NA would probablly "if you surrender to Germany on France turn 0 then you drive to McDonalds and get a order of EXTRA LARGE FRENCH FRIES!!!  :-D :-D :-D. But really I love these. There was a post on a couple months back and I got tons of NAs. I can’t remember who posted it but it was nice. Larry needs to make more of these thhough. I hate how German tanks are not kick @#% when compared to America’s wimpy @*& tanks.

  • Incoming! 1940 National Advantages!

    1940 NA.doc

  • HOLY CARP OZTEA! I LOVE YOU! You know in a manly brotherly way not the weirdo gay way. Anyway these are great. I can’t remember who made the ones I have but it was someone from here. Maybe you.

  • @oztea:

    Incoming! 1940 National Advantages!

    Oztea I have a couple of questions. For long lance torpedos can the streak still happen if there is destroyers in the defending force, do the cruisers strike at three. For wolf packs, do the subs always miss first round of combat or only if they move three spaces.

  • I use a limited number of NA’s to keep things playable.  Most of these are from previous posts on this forum.  I made good use of some painted units from historicalboardgaming.com to cover these special units.

    -SS Panzer Armor Units are available to Germany only.  Germany may purchase up to a max of (1) per turn for a max of (6) for the game. Attack/Defend (4/4).  Cost: 8 IPCs.
    -When matched with SS Panzer Armor 1:1; the respective Infantry unit is considered SS Panzer Grenadier and Attacks on 2.

    Soviet Union:

    • Katyusha Rockets Artillery Units are available to Soviet Union only.  Soviet Union may purchase up to a max of (1) per turn for a max of (8) for the game.
      Attack/Defend (3/2).  Cost: 5 IPCs.


    • Some (not all) starting Japanese Fighter/Tactical Fighter Units with Highly Trained Pilots.  Attack on (4).  These units cannot be replaced when lost.
    • Japanese Destroyer Units can act as Transports for 1 Infantry unit (no other unit types).


    • Marine Unit is available to US only:  Attack on (2) during Amphibious Assault; (3) if supported by Artillery during Amphibious Assault.  Cost: 4 IPCs
    • For US only, Transport units cost 6 IPCs (vs. 7 IPCs) due to Liberty Ship Program.

    UK Europe:

    • Some (not all) starting UK Europe Fighter/Tactical Bomber Units with Highly Trained Pilots.  Defend on (5/4) respectively.  UK Fighters defend on (3) as Interceptors during SBR.  These units cannot be replaced when lost.
    • For UK Europe, Antiaircraft Gun Units in UK and Scotland and Ontario only employ Radar and Defend on (2).

    UK Pacific:

    • Represents (1) UK Pacific Infantry Units as Chindits.  Attack/Defend on (2/2) and Move (2).  This unit can be replaced when lost.  Max of (1) Chindit Unit o the board at a time.


    • Italian Artillery in Southern Italy & Greece benefits from Elevated Ground and Defends on (3).  This is also available to German
      Artillery poistioned in these territores.

  • Hey Oztea did you make a 1941 setup for global on Harris Game Design? Because I edited some of these house rules with it. One is instead of Afrika Korps I have the Armata Italiana in Russian (Italian Army in Russia) or 8th Italian Army. They are free units placed on I1 but if any die then you can reinforce. They MUST stay in Russia and the army is a set number (3 Infantry, 2 Mechanized Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter). I add to the Number of troops in Romania on I1 so it equals this. The troops in Romania at the start represents the CSIR ( Italian Expeditionary Corps in Russian). Of course so there not over balanced I have made them weaker. Tanks attack on a two when Russian Armor is involved. Planes attack on a 2 and defend on a 3 (old inadequite models). Mechanized Infantry and Tanks can’t blitz (poor tanks and mainly mules for mobility). At the end of every Italian turn you roll a dice for every two Italian troops. For every “6” rolled you take one away as a casualty (inadequite winter supplies). Also they Italians were used as cannon fodder by the Germans and were not as skilled. If no Germans are in a battle then all troops suffer a -1 penalty for defense and offense. But I forgot the best part. The Italians are only moved on the German turn and may move them in the Combat, and Noncombat moves and can use them in Combat.

  • '10


    I’ve played some home variants with these kinds of rules, they are REALLY good, and add alot of strategic depth.  Encouraging countries to build units they might otherwise not.

    But I would only want to see NA’s on one condition however though…  they need to be relatively BALANCED.  American Superfortress were a WAY better NA than Kaiten torpedo’s for example.  The Allies always seemed to get the best NA’s.

    Thats because the the allies had more of the best stuff! WWII was not balanced. That is what makes the game fun, to see if the axis can overturn history and win before the allies get so much of the great stuff. (the U.S.)

  • Yay but some thing we can change. Germany only had a few hundred king tigers but who says thats tru  :wink:

  • For long lance, yes, well, to be precise. Destroyers and cruisers may be treated as subs on the first round (only)

    Meaning they shoot at 2, or defend at 1, and get suprise attack.
    Sometimes a good idea, sometimes a bad idea

    Yes, i did make that 1941 setup on larrys page, and i wouldnt reccomend mixing and matching the 2….because the situation globly chaged alot that year. And some advantages dont make sense in 1941…like most of the french ones.

    but i cant force you not to mix and match them, have fun with it

  • ybe we need some 1941 NAs hmm  :-)

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