@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
3vs3 alpha 2+
looking for a 3 vs 3 game, just post here or send personal message if you are in.
alpha 2+, -
I’ll jump in, if no one minds. The 40’s variants pulled me back into board games, but, I have no one to play against in sit down games. I have yet to actually play them, but, I’m a quick learner. Not to brag, but, I once beat my little sister in the classic game.
Sure thing. need 4 more though
I have not played G40 yet, but I am game to join in. Does not matter to me who I am or which side.
Ill Join, ive never done a game by forums before though, just let me know what I need to do/have for it. I don’t mind who I am.
need 2 more :wink:
Cmon, im so axious, JOIN IN PEOPLE!
I have not played G40 yet, but I am game to join in. Does not matter to me who I am or which side.
I’ll team up with you B&G, if no one minds. Then it can be a 3 on 2 if no one else joins. I just need to be briefed on Alpha 2 rules.
I’m ok with 3 on 2 if everyone else is.
I guess I can accept that, though id still would like 1 more. Also can i get the link for the newest A battlemap version?
Sure thing, feel free to create anyone. i can be any side. if i could choose id be USA
Same, but I need to work on my USSR strat for my face to face games, so id prefer them.
I dont really care who I play, is there a way we can randomize it? That’s usually fun, otherwise feel free to pick and I’ll take what’s left over. Nevermind UK it is!
Here are rules:
http://harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=4167here are newest module:
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=20043.0 -
Just to be clear that makes me, UK, India and Anzac right?
What does? I think i missed something.
nvm, your dang names look the alot alike
I have an idea. if everyone agrees.
Roll 1 dice.
Germanyand italy is 1.
JApan is 2.
Uk and anzac 3
US and China 4
Russia and france 5
6 = nothing, since we are five players or something?If you roll 1, and someone allready has gotten a 1, just reroll until you get something else
This is if we should pick randomly.
Just a suggestion.
Here ill start:
Rolling 1d6:
(4) -
That makes me US and CHina. then you can roll
ok let me try
Rolling 1d6: