I’ve have some additional questions:
- Naval Bomber and Naval Fighter:
Did those planes can attack land units or only ships? If they can also attack land units can they use the target capability on them? Since they have the same value (other than ipc cost) then regular plane if they can attack all type of units, why someone would buy regular plane?
Naval Fighters and Tactical bombers fight just like regular fighters and tactical bombers except they can target ships if they are the attacker.
- Can fortress be captured or they are treated like a normal land unit?
Fortress is destroyed if the territory is captured.
- Romania: In the rule it say that Romania have 6 ipc but it is only 4 on the map…
When the Germans occupy Romania they collect 4 IPC’s and Romania will get 6. Romania will get 6 IPC’s per turn until it is captured.
- Minors: If we give the ipc to germany did the minor can still use the “build in” minor industry to produce german troops in theirs territories?
Yes, once germany occupies the minor axis countries Germany collects the posted IPC value per territory and this activates the Minor axis to get their set income. Use this income to build for the minors. Each minor axis places builds in its home territory
- Can germany attack Vichy France?
- Did Anzac and other UK minors move and attack at the same time (In global40 Anzac have a seprate turn…).
- There is no naval base in marseille which was an important port for the french, is it normal?
I know there was a Navasl base there but it wasn’t major enough, and it doesn’t make a difference in game play.
- If you attack a strict neutral did it become allied with axis or the allied depending on which side attack them?
If you are Axis or Alliies and you attack a strict neutral and do not defeat them, they imediatly turn to the other side.
- How technology work? Since there is no log sheet or any info that can give us the way we can acquired technology. Did there is another document or chart somewhere?
Until I come up with a Tech chart just announce what tech you are rolling for and keep up with your progress in that tech.
- Before the us is at war did the special situation (ex: Germany/Italy attacks Great Britain +20 IPC’s) really give an extra 20 IPCS to the us or it simply help the US to reach faster the needed 80 ipcs to declare war on axis?
OK, to better explain this. If i’m the US and it is turn 1, I start out with 20 IPC’s to spend but my production level is 0. So at the beginning of my turn I roll the 2 D6, lets say I roll a 7, so at the end of turn 1 I collect 7 IPC’s. On turn 2 lets say just for example the Germans try sea Lion and Attack Great Britain, Then at the beginning of turn 2 for the US I woiuld roll 2 D6 and lets say I get 11. So with 7 from turn 1 and 11 for turn 2 , also 20 because Germany attacked Great Britain. So at the end of turn 2 the US would collect 38 IPC’s , continue this until 80 is reached. (If you Have 76 and you roll 12 you collect 80)
Remember this is to simulate a ramp up in the US economy plus the willingness to go to war. When you reach 80 IPC’s the US declares war on the Axis.
- Paratroopers: During a paradrop did the pratrooper attack at 4 or 3?
Paratroopers attack at a 3 or less on the turn they are dropped. After that they fight like regular infantry. On the setup chart it should be a 2* instead of a 3* Good find