• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    By “ignore China” I am more thinking along the lines of not heavily investing in China with the mindset to conquer the entire country - as I suspect most people play.

    The 2 submarine, 2 transport open sounds very interesting.

    Perhaps staging the fleet off the coast of Siam might be a very viable option.  The Carolines are nice, but I worry being that close to America’s fleet.  Of course, if you pound Australia taking their capitol on Round 3, you would be far enough from the American fleet to negate them on Round 3.

    I’ll have to think on it.  Certain things appeal to me (the surprise factor for the first time you do it) the position of the ships.  Certain things worry me (having the attack forseen and countered before launched, having the fleet at a rather far distance from Tokyo…)

  • Regarding my Australia first proposal, this is my plan for Asia:

    Asia is not ignored, but as Jennifer stated, is not heavily invested in. When I stated that the starting forces should be able to manage China, the purpose was to concentrate forces in a few areas, trading vital objectives to slow China for the purpose of buying time (cheaply) to secure a mid game win. (turn 7-9)

    One fact I noticed about the alpha 2 setup is that each Japanese held Chinese territory has at least 1 artillery on it:
    Manchuria: 6 Infantry, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 AA Gun, 2 Fighters, 2 Tac Bombers
    Kiangsi: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Shantung: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Kwangsi: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Jehol: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Siam: 2 Infantry *
    Kiangsu: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Tac Bomber.
    Korea: 4 Infantry, 1 Fighter *

    • are Japanese owned and controlled regions

    This breaks down to 26 infantry, 6 artillery, and 1 mech for a total of 33 units vs China’s 16 land units.
    Lets assume China collects: 15, 12, 9, 9 (based on Japan trading Yunnan assumes China retakes each round)
    China then produces at best 15 more units for a total of 31 land units vs 33 Japanese seems tight like you can manage China for at least the first 4 turns, before retreating to your victory cities. Granted India can lend units by declaring war early, this would affect your time table for containment.

    Here is a detailed plan for the first 4 turns in Asia: I=infantry,A=artillery,M=Mechanized Infantry:
    Turn 1 goals: Korea(4I) moves to Manchuria, Manchuria(6I,1A) to Jehol, Jehol (2I,1A)  to Chahar, Shantung(3I,1A) and Kiangsu(3I,1A) and Manchuria (1M) to Anhwe, Kiangsi(3I,1A) and Kwangsi(1I) to Hunan(2I), Kwansi (2I,1A) to Yunnan(4I) Use air round 1 to help, land in range of Japan for turn 2 move, then Caroline turn 3.
    Turn 2 goals: Manchuria(4I) to Jehol, Chahar(2I,1A) to Suiyuyan, , Jehol(6I,1A) to Anhwe, Anhwe(1I,1M) to Hopei, Anhwe(5I,2A) to Kweichow, Hunan(2-3I,1A) to Yunnan(2-3I). Use 2 Bombers maybe, if you don’t think they will be needed in Australia turn 5. Build Minor factory in Kiangsu.
    Turn 3 goals: Jehol(4I) to Anhwe, Suiyuyan(2I,1A) to Kansu, Hopie(1I,1M) to Shensi, Kwechichow(5I,2A) to Szchewhan, Anhwe(6I,1A) to Kiangsi (these units are earmarked for Kwantung round 4 or retaking/reinforcing Kiangsu depending on India play)
    Turn 4 goals: Anhwe(4I) to Kiangsu to defend factory or Kweichow if not needed, Kansu (2I,1A) to Tsinghai, Shensi(1I,1M) to Sikang, Kiangsi(1-6I,0-1A) to Kwangtung (need to take in force for city sake). Produce 2 mech and 1 armor for Kiangsu if needed, else 3 mech.

    Obviously, this does not take into account your opponents responses. Planned play may vary based on individual game’s needs. Reader discretion is advised. Problem areas turn 3, could be India involvement and China stacking in Szchewhan.

    Out of pocket expenses for above, 12IPC turn 2, 9IPC turn 3, 14IPCs turn 4(minor factory,3 infantry, and 2mech/1tank) for a total spent of 35 IPCs. You could use transport instead depending on the pacific seas threats.

    I believe that leaves Japan with enough income for Australia….just some more ideas to chew on. This is not a blanket statement of implied success, just a proposal on how you could contest Asia and keep China from ballooning too soon.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    With the penalty for attacking Japan and the massive increase in defensive ability of Korea, I think I can see this being plausible.

    Do not forget that Japan lost a transport in the Carolines in Alpha.  Makes a HUGE difference, for once, you cannot take Hawaii on J1 anymore! lol.

    I do enjoy the idea of hitting ANZAC hard on J2 or J3.  For one, it changes it from the Allies having 5 nations between Japan and Italy to do to 4 nations. ^_^  Also, its cash.  Lets face it, with a reasonable sized Japanese navy around Australia, it is going to take some serious Allied aggression to liberate and with the extra income from minor China attacks, Australia and the southern Islands, maybe Japan can hold against a way too strong America.

    I am still pondering a J1 jump on America.  It might liberate England/Anzac too much I am not sure.

  • @Cmdr:

    I am still pondering a J1 jump on America.  It might liberate England/Anzac too much I am not sure.

    I am probably best know for my crazy America first plans (Operation Hollywood dates back to revised). I’m guessing that’s why they changed the rules to permit US declaration of war if you are in Canada :)

    With alpha knocking down the US to building a max of 27 pieces the first 3 rounds (unless they pay to upgrade minor factories) I will be drafting a US first approach. OOB it was possible to take Alberta with Germany and land the whole Jap airfoce for the purpose of getting to Europe by turn 4 or 5…can’t remember.

    It might be worth throwing Japan, Italy and Germany at the US if they can be taken out by turn 5…would be a tough game since China, Anzac, India and Russia would get large fast.

    London would be contained with the 9 German transports off Gibraltar. So I do not see them getting into it by turn 4.

    But this is a topic for another thread.

  • '10


    By “ignore China” I am more thinking along the lines of not heavily investing in China with the mindset to conquer the entire country - as I suspect most people play.

    The 2 submarine, 2 transport open sounds very interesting.

    Perhaps staging the fleet off the coast of Siam might be a very viable option.  The Carolines are nice, but I worry being that close to America’s fleet.  Of course, if you pound Australia taking their capitol on Round 3, you would be far enough from the American fleet to negate them on Round 3.

    I’ll have to think on it.  Certain things appeal to me (the surprise factor for the first time you do it) the position of the ships.  Certain things worry me (having the attack forseen and countered before launched, having the fleet at a rather far distance from Tokyo…)

    If you take a large portion of the Japanese fleet more than one move from zone 6 then you must continue to add to the fleet in zone 6 with each purchase. If Japan puts all its resources into China and India then the U.S. will eventually overwhelm the axis in the Pacific. The Japanese must try to catch the U.S. fleet in a zone where they cannot be supported and then destroy them. I have seen this happen more than once. This will buy the axis time in the Pacfic as the U.S. will have to rebuild.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Note, on Round 1 there is literally nothing that can hit the Japanese fleet in SZ 6 so, in a hypthetical situation, Japan would be safe in purchasing transports on Round 1 and sending all their ships to other points on the board.

    Of course, if Russia moves her fighters eastward, instead of the more traditional westward, there is a chance you might need to move a carrier/battleship or something up to SZ 6 to protect the transports against Unprovoked Russian Hegemony, but I do not see this being the case in most games.

  • @Fishmoto37:

    If you take a large portion of the Japanese fleet more than one move from zone 6 then you must continue to add to the fleet in zone 6 with each purchase. If Japan puts all its resources into China and India then the U.S. will eventually overwhelm the axis in the Pacific. The Japanese must try to catch the U.S. fleet in a zone where they cannot be supported and then destroy them. I have seen this happen more than once. This will buy the axis time in the Pacfic as the U.S. will have to rebuild.

    You won’t need to add to the fleet until America enters the war. By using implied threat, (staging navy in Carolines) you prevent a fleet build up at Hawaii. Making sea zone 6 two moves from W. US.

    Even when you spread out, you can keep your fleet in Caroline and only leave Caroline the turn you invade New South Wales(and even then you may only send carriers to land planes)…this could mean sacrificing unescorted transports. By keeping your fleet “cocked like a crossbow” you threaten many areas at once, and only fail to do so if your opponent forces you to pull the trigger. Hence you can leverage your opponent into doing things they don’t want to. That is were position and tactics can succeed where units can fail.

    The purpose of the 4 sub Jap fleet is to make them immune from air strikes…Anzac will likely have 1 DD that you wish to destroy when you declare war as Japan. But even if you don’t…you have an extra sub that can trade with the DD once it is “fired” or used.

  • '10


    Note, on Round 1 there is literally nothing that can hit the Japanese fleet in SZ 6 so, in a hypthetical situation, Japan would be safe in purchasing transports on Round 1 and sending all their ships to other points on the board.

    Of course, if Russia moves her fighters eastward, instead of the more traditional westward, there is a chance you might need to move a carrier/battleship or something up to SZ 6 to protect the transports against Unprovoked Russian Hegemony, but I do not see this being the case in most games.

    Yes, I move a large portion of my Japanese fleet built around two carriers towards the DEI on round 1. But you will notice in my photo that after round 3 I have three fully loaded carriers in zone 6 or within range of zone 6. Then I have the option of moving the force in the DEI further west if needed. In this current game the U.S. is not putting a lot of pressure on Japan yet. If the U.S. spent all its income in the Pacific starting round 1 then this would change everything.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Hmm…but theoretically, a heavy stack at Pearl on J1 or J2 encourages America to look to Europe giving Japan a freer hand and since it is relatively simple for Japan to get 6 Victory Cities, wouldnt this be wise?

    You start with Japan and Kiangsu.

    It is relatively simple to get Kwangtung (Hong Kong), Hawaii and Philippines if you crush the American navy early.

    That is 5 of 6, all you need is South Wales or India and of the two, India is significantly harder to get, so crush Australia.  No?  Then Germany only has to posture and make threats while Japan does the hard work.  (Since Germany needs either London or Ottowa and both of those are going to be significantly harder for Germany to get than Japan to get Australia.)

    Or am I missing something?

  • It should not be safe for America to stage within range of the combined Japanese fleet…for this discussion lets assume 2 Battleships, 3 Carriers, 4 DD, 1-4 subs, 2 Cruisers and 6 or more air units. America is limited to 3 ships per turn off the west coast, plus air and ships it can build on the other board and bring around.

    In the first 3 turns America must choose…match the Japanese navy or build transports as threat.
    If they match, simple infantry will hold Japan from 1-2 transports.
    If they build threat and move North they are off a naval base, and you can afford to send a token fleet to sea zone 6 (maybe 1 battleship, 2 destroyers and station 2 planes on Japan. If they pull the trigger, you can respond in kind from the Carolines.

    This still leaves threat on Hawaii, New South Wales, and you are able to build transports and keep them safe in first sea zone 6, then the Carolines.

    Remember for America to match Japans starting navy, they are almost exclusively building in the Pacific and thus ignoring the Atlantic…this should be obvious by turn 2, and perhaps you make adjustments since a world of hurt is coming your way.

    This theory craft is for a situation in which the US splits its income and no more than 26-30 IPCs are going towards Japan while the US is neutral.

  • @Cmdr:

    Hmm…but theoretically, a heavy stack at Pearl on J1 or J2 encourages America to look to Europe giving Japan a freer hand and since it is relatively simple for Japan to get 6 Victory Cities, wouldnt this be wise?

    You start with Japan and Kiangsu.

    It is relatively simple to get Kwangtung (Hong Kong), Hawaii and Philippines if you crush the American navy early.

    That is 5 of 6, all you need is South Wales or India and of the two, India is significantly harder to get, so crush Australia.  No?  Then Germany only has to posture and make threats while Japan does the hard work.  (Since Germany needs either London or Ottowa and both of those are going to be significantly harder for Germany to get than Japan to get Australia.)

    Or am I missing something?

    I don’t believe so, that is why my initial thoughts make me thing the game favors the axis under the new rules…However, others have been play testing and claim it is very close.

    My theory is that most players fight for India and the Australia option is disregarded. I have no idea how many play tests have focused on Hawaii and New South Wales, instead of Calcutta.

    It is hard to hold Hawaii sometimes, so I favor taking it last for the win…it is closer to your Production base, and Australia is farther away…this makes liberating New south wales a daunting task for the allies.

    When I play the allies, I figure I have time in Europe and I focus on Japan early, goal is building infantry in Australia and Hawaii to force a large Japanese transport build late game. India just buys time. Then I shift to a large Europe effort and later balance out the builds based on board…the Fact that America has to split, handicaps the allies in my opinion. Again, others have done the play testing, I will have to try this as well.

  • '10


    Hmm…but theoretically, a heavy stack at Pearl on J1 or J2 encourages America to look to Europe giving Japan a freer hand and since it is relatively simple for Japan to get 6 Victory Cities, wouldnt this be wise?

    You start with Japan and Kiangsu.

    It is relatively simple to get Kwangtung (Hong Kong), Hawaii and Philippines if you crush the American navy early.

    That is 5 of 6, all you need is South Wales or India and of the two, India is significantly harder to get, so crush Australia.  No?  Then Germany only has to posture and make threats while Japan does the hard work.  (Since Germany needs either London or Ottowa and both of those are going to be significantly harder for Germany to get than Japan to get Australia.)

    Or am I missing something?

    Sorry, I should have explained that we always play for total victory never for VCs. Of course this does not mean that we take our games to the bitter end. After a while you learn when one side is in a hopeless situation and its time to start a new game. It just seems more realistic to go for total victory. Of course it helps that we are retired and do not need quick games.

  • Actually Germany needs London or Moscow. If the allies hold 4 of the 11, the axis only have 7. The likely held are: Washington, Ottawa, London and Moscow. As the allies, I focus on Egypt then Rome. Without Egypt, Germany needs London And Moscow. This gives America time to retake London before Moscow falls. With London and Egypt its game over for the axis in Europe unless Germany outproduces America and can seize London for good.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Victory for the Axis if they control 8 out 11 Victory Cities on the Europe board or 6 out of 8 Victory cities on the Pacific board. (Why is one named for Europe and the other an Ocean??  Should be Atlantic/Pacific, IMHO.)

    To get 8 on the Europe board Germany/Italy needs:

    • Paris (France)
    • Berlin (East Germany)
    • Rome (S. Italy)
    • Moscow (Russia)
    • Leningrad (Novgorod)
    • Stalingrad (Volgogrod)
    • Warsaw (W. Poland)
      And one of the following: Washington D.C. (E. USA); London (England) or Ottowa (Quebec); Cairo (Egypt)

    Granted, it may be plausible to get all of that, but one has to assume Egypt is liberated by the time Moscow falls.  At least, it always is in my games.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    As for not playing to VC victory. Generally (and many old timers here will agree) I hate winning with victory cities, I feel it is a cheap win, just like Magic 84 was in classic. (Where if the Axis collect 84 IPC in TT value after America’s turn, they win.  Does not matter if you have a million British infantry in W. Europe, Axis win.)

    However, I’m looking at the board and I have GOT to say here, its seems the only plausible way for the axis to win in Alphas is to win with Victory Cities.  You get out spent every round by America alone out of the box! (80+ income for America vs 40 for Germany, 40 for Japan?  No way Italy out produces China, England 1, England 2 and ANZAC.)  OOB, there is no way the Axis can win short of grabbing enough victory cities before the allies out man them 3:1 everywhere.  Alpha, its a little easier I think.  Still, the only easy win I see is to get VCs otherwise, you’re fighting a losing battle with the axis.

    I would LOVE to be proved wrong.  But short of a difference in skill level of the players, I dont see it myself.  And I just see the rules for future tournaments saying you can win with VCs, so it’s probably best to get in the habbit of defending them now. (Those were the rules for AARe tournaments around the web.  I suspect it will hold true for AA40 tournaments.)

  • '10


    As for not playing to VC victory. Generally (and many old timers here will agree) I hate winning with victory cities, I feel it is a cheap win, just like Magic 84 was in classic. (Where if the Axis collect 84 IPC in TT value after America’s turn, they win.  Does not matter if you have a million British infantry in W. Europe, Axis win.)

    However, I’m looking at the board and I have GOT to say here, its seems the only plausible way for the axis to win in Alphas is to win with Victory Cities.  You get out spent every round by America alone out of the box! (80+ income for America vs 40 for Germany, 40 for Japan?  No way Italy out produces China, England 1, England 2 and ANZAC.)  OOB, there is no way the Axis can win short of grabbing enough victory cities before the allies out man them 3:1 everywhere.  Alpha, its a little easier I think.  Still, the only easy win I see is to get VCs otherwise, you’re fighting a losing battle with the axis.

    I would LOVE to be proved wrong.  But short of a difference in skill level of the players, I dont see it myself.   And I just see the rules for future tournaments saying you can win with VCs, so it’s probably best to get in the habbit of defending them now. (Those were the rules for AARe tournaments around the web.  I suspect it will hold true for AA40 tournaments.)

    You are absolutly correct with your assesment here. It has been a real challenge for the axis player to win in our non VC games. But I do not see us ever competing in tournaments. I guess if I do sometime then I will have to learn some new skills.

  • Is that why there are victory cities?

  • TripleA

    There are different schools of how to play Japan.

    I go with an india first strat and it just so happens china is along the way. some people like AZNAC. Others are money focused. Sometimes I kill russians for fun because taking their land on my side of the board adds up to +5 a round at least.

    Just depends. I don’t know how I win games with Japan. Everytime I play allies winning is so easy.

  • '10


    There are different schools of how to play Japan.

    I go with an india first strat and it just so happens china is along the way. some people like AZNAC. Others are money focused. Sometimes I kill russians for fun because taking their land on my side of the board adds up to +5 a round at least.

    Just depends. I don’t know how I win games with Japan. Everytime I play allies winning is so easy.

    The money islands of the DEI are along the way also and Japan must take them to maintain their income level. If the axis do not play a perfect game the allied income will overwhelm them.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I think I disagree that Japan MUST take DEI.  They are along the way, but there is no reason Japan cannot go directly to NSW and pound ANZAC hard without taking DEI first.  You can always hit DEI from Philippines and NSW after you dismember ANZAC. (I of course assume you hit Philippines from Japan the same round you crush Australia because it has a Naval Base for you to stage from and because America’s in the war then anyway.)

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