Use the same colors as Diplomacy. Problem solved!
Alpha+1 game session Europe situation after seventeen rounds 01/03/11
Woah! Italy has a giant fleet!
Where did all the British tanks come from? Is Japan so on the defensive that India can afford to build all tanks and send them west?
Yes Japan is in deep trouble. Italy has a large tank force blocking. Italy is using chips.
You guys didn’t want to try US/UK/ANZAC/China vs Italy and Germany? Were you too exhausted to continue the game(not necessarily this session)?
You guys didn’t want to try US/UK/ANZAC/China vs Italy and Germany? Were you too exhausted to continue the game(not necessarily this session)?
Yes we were kind of wore out on that game. I wanted to get started on a new game so that I could switch sides and play the allies. We used my new U.S. income schedule on the current game and I want to try it again with myself playing the allies this time.
Okay. Out of curiosity, what were the incomes of the remaining nations? I have a feeling that, with the fall of Moscow and Tokyo, the allied still have the economic advantage.
Okay. Out of curiosity, what were the incomes of the remaining nations? I have a feeling that, with the fall of Moscow and Tokyo, the allied still have the economic advantage.
OK, I am ready to hit the rack right now. I will try to post the incomes tomorrow.
That is an absolutely crazy looking board. It looks like there are over 1000 units on the board including the chips. How many hours did the game last before calling it?
Why so many TANKS?
What are those blue blocks representing the French Navy?
I think they are space-savers that represent the giant UK Fleets
that’s a neat idea, i wonder where he got them…?
I think they came from either the original Pacific or Guadalcanal
Must be the original Pacific game, because I have Guadalcanal and it doesn’t have those pieces…
I think they came from either the original Pacific or Guadalcana
They are from the Original Pacific game. There were six in the box, you got the plastic piece for the board numbered 1 to 6, with a spot to place your roundel, and a cardboard stock card to place your units on, off board. This is also the same game where naval and airbase were iplemented for the first time (albiet slightly different)
Revised also came with Cardboard Army roundels and Cards numbered 1 - 10 to place large clusters of ground units on the board. This worked quite well as well.
What failed miserably however, was the advent of movement counters that were supposed to follow your aircraft pieces. What a waste of time and resources. In 500 games I’ve never seen them used.
Okay. Out of curiosity, what were the incomes of the remaining nations? I have a feeling that, with the fall of Moscow and Tokyo, the allied still have the economic advantage.
OK Calvin, here are the incomes at the end of 17 rounds. U.S.–-53 IPCs+35 NOs U.K.—15 IPCs India—28 IPCs+ 5 NO U.S.S.R.-3 IPCs China–20 IPCs+6 NO Italy—36 IPCs+15 NOs Japan–22 IPCs Germany-68 IPCs+15 NOs Anzac–13 IPCs+10 NOs
That is an absolutely crazy looking board. It looks like there are over 1000 units on the board including the chips. How many hours did the game last before calling it?
About 17 hours including breaks.
Why so many TANKS?
OK Gar here is the scoop. Germany had attacked Moscow in an earlier round but did not have enough infantry. So after one round of combat they performed a retrograde movement. (they went back to were they came from) So Germany was left with panzers and luftwaffe but no infantry. More panzers were coming up but got there way before the infantry. Germany took the extra panzers toward China while infantry came up. Italy started the arms race in the south by moving towards Persia. India saw that Persia was good ground because of access to Turkmenistan in southern Russia. To keep India from helping the Soviets the Italians rushed tanks to Iraq with the intent to take Persia. Tanks and planes were the only units that could get there quickly.
I am astounded by the number of pieces on the board by round 17! I only have two serious players in my gaming group (myself being one of them ofc), one player who is moderately into A&A and a few more who will play but view it as a simple board game and expect it to only go few hours and are unwilling to play more than one session.
As a result most of our games end at about round 6-8 when the weaker players quit due to lack of interest.
We have been fortunate to get a few games to go 15+ rounds. But every game we play we have very few pieces on the board compared to this because we are all very agressive players. Especially me and my friend who play axis. We are under the impression that if you don’t play agressive the game gets bogged down in stalemates and/or the axis lose out economically in a protracted arms race and a stragegic war of attrition.
So we never let a fleet or ground force get as big as you guys do which makes me guess that your group as a much slower and more cautious defensive style of play. Is that correct? Its the only way I can account for your giant forces.
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