@ShadowHAwk Those units are essential to defend your capital, as well as France’s capital. There is no way around having a substantial defensive force if you want to win the game as the axis. Ideally all of those units could attack Moscow, but that is literally not an option. Germany can lose its capital turn 4 if you don’t have enough units to defend, and Paris can be lost to the allies turn 5 if you aren’t deploying enough units to prevent that.
Can Italy blitz through a pro-allied Nolrtheast Perisa
Can Italy blitz tanks through a pro-allied Nolrtheast Perisa from Pro-axis Iraq (hat it already owns) and stop at Caucasus. In others words, can a tank blitz a hostle teritorry with no troups in it, even if it is a neutral.
P26 says “by blitzing the tank established control of the first territory before it moves to the next.” If Pro-Allied Northeast Persia has not been “emptied” of pro-allied troops doesn’t the tank have to stop and fight?
P11 seems to agree moving into an unfriendly neutral is considered a combat move and the combat must be resolved.
I do understand right?
The Tank is in Italian Pro-Axis Iraq
The Tank is moving through Pro-Allied Northeast Persia. (Not used to be Soviet NE Persia, just neutral Pro-Allied Persia)
The Tank is ending up in the Russian Caucasus. -
NorthWEST Persia is empty(has no neutral inf).
Well silly me answering w/o my map handy
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