I’ve being waiting to try a British tactic where I forgo the Taranto raid in favour of bringing the British fleet up in defense of a German Sealion. As follows:
1 fig (10)
1 inf (3)
save (16)
1 tac SZ91 to Lon
1 fig Lon to SZ92
1 DD 1 CV SZ91 to SZ92
1 fig Alx to SZ92
1 inf 1 arm Que to either Gib (if Germany is in position to assault) or to Lon
Collect Income
29+5+16=50 IPC
2 CV (32)
2 DD (16)
save (0)
1 DD 1 CV 2 fig SZ92 to SZ110
3 fig 1 tac Lon to SZ110
Mob Units
2 CV 2 DD SZ110
Final analysis:
3 DD, 3 CV, 1 tac, 5 fig SZ110 = 6 2’s, 1 3, 5 4’s (average 6 hits)
Germany could potentially attack with:
2 SS, 1 CA, 1 CV, 1 dBB, 4 fig 3 tac 1 bom = 2 2’s, 5 3’s, 5 4’s (average 7 hits)
BUT, Great Britain can absorb 3 of these hits with her carriers. This leaves us with:
1 DD 2 dCV, 1 tac, 5 fig (average 5 hits)
1 dBB, 3 fig 3 tac 1 bom (average 5 hits)
Continuing onwards, the British would lose their low hitting 2’s before her 4’s, and Germany will lose her precious airforce. In any case, Germany wouldn’t be able to do a Ger3 Sealion. Those 11 transports? Useless.