@aequitas-et-veritas @ssgen I should have flagged all of the old crew as well. Mobility means less on the smaller maps (AA50 even). Carrier manipulation is THE hallmark of G42/tournament play and all G40 variants. In my current game (G42/7 turns/221) against the relentless and indomitable MAPHEAD dave I have 5 Japanese carriers just to port all my planes around.
Subs + carriers + and other things
I did a quick search and could not find the answers to the following questions:
1. If a carrier uses its fighters to attack a land target, and loses those fighters in the process, then can another group of fighters that did not participate in the combat phase land on the carrier in the non-combat phase, thereby rebuilding the carrier’s air wing?
2. If a sub (and only a sub - no friendly DD present) attacks an enemy destroyer and a sub, does the enemy destroyer take the hit since the sub cannot ‘see’ the enemy sub since no friendly destroyer was present?
Welcome, leobarron2000!
1. Yes.
2. Not necessarily. It is up to the defender which unit takes the hit. Only air units require a friendly destroyer be in the battle in order to hit subs. Sea units can always hit subs, unless they submerge, of course.