If the idea is to control southern USSR and let northern USSR alone with a IC Romania then you should really debate about going after Persia and then decide to go east to India or west to Egypt.
Painted Major ICs, Minors, Strict Neutrals
Hey guys, thought I’d try to spice up Global a little bit. I took someones idea for using the Risk city pieces and use them for Major ICs, then the old ICs for Minors. All the strict neutrals I used 2nd edition pieces I wasn’t using anymore.
I’m not artist, got a C+ in Art when I was going to school (stick figures and fingerpaint for me). Just something fun to do in my spare time. Hopefully one day I’ll work up to Allworkandnoclays level hahaha :-D
Front and side angles of UK ICs
Russian ICs, I don’t have the steadiest of hands as you can tell hahaha
Nazis and Japs
Mozambique, Afganistan, Chile
Argentina, Portugal, Angola
Venezuela, Saudi, Swiss
Sweden, Mongolia
Turkey, Spain…. The Spainish coat of arms is freaking impossible, so I butchered it hahaha
Strict Neutral armies!
Still working on French, ANZAC and Italian ICs. Makes the board look much more interesting :mrgreen:
Wow. Those US factories are… patriotic.
Haha yeah… Makes it easier to identify if a country builds another IC on a territory that isn’t orinially theirs… Then just switch ICs if it gets taken over by another country etc.
Plus if they just look like factories that’d be pretty boring. :lol:
those japanese factories look very zen :lol:
Looks great! I like the Soviet factories a lot :lol:
I wish I had steadier hands. And I should’ve used a 3 mega pixel camera instead of a 10.1 mega pixel hahaha. It would’ve shown less flaws :lol:
I just got 2 sets of these factories from the Risk game myself. I am now inspired to paint them as well. I am like you though. Stick figures for me as well. I just hope mine come out as well.
Brian -
USA factories remind me of the movie: “Team America World Police”
Love the Japan factories.
As long as you know the flags on “countries” like Mozambique are post colonial era Communist designs, and are happy with the fact, then this is great work.
As long as you know the flags on “countries” like Mozambique are post colonial era Communist designs, and are happy with the fact, then this is great work.
Ah didn’t take that into account. They’ll serve their purpose though. I’ll try to look up 40s style flags when I do the Pro-Axis/Allied Neutrals. Not sure if any of those are different from the flags they have now.