The two boxes stand proudly om my desk, and now i’m eager to try them. Being a vet AA player ( own and played them all, including The Xeno things) and looking at the setup and rules i believe there will be a lot of re-thinking required (wich is nice). The basic options and strategic conundrums however remain the same (whatfirst?, " meanwhile back at the farm", what to buy?)
I’m trying to gather some generals for a big splash: AAG 1940.
My questions:
- Can you place a freshly bought factory in a friendly neutral you activated?
- Can you land planes in an activated friendly neutral the turn it was activated?
3 )When the neutral neutrals are activated is it correct that their units can not move (never)?
El Stef
Best AA games( sofar) ; AA anniv edition & Guadalcanal
Preferred country: Italy ( If possible, also in other games, i always play Italy, you can never do worse than they did).
Italy was fun in AA50: you had your own agenda ad (not the slave of the German ambitions), you were mostly neglected and had plenty of room. And suddenly there sailed a proud Italian fleet from the MED to challenge the allies in the atlantic. It looks in AAG 1940, that those times are over.