I try to get the control of North Sea/North Atlantic as soon as possible.
_(You don’t need bombers to reach less/non escorted German transport builds in SZ 113
Buy a CV in SZ 110 and send the figthers.
Sunk 3 german transports last game.)_
UK 1:
First I send the DD, TRN from new Brunswick to UK and unload on UK. (Hoping to kill a german sub on the defense.9
Attack the Italian fleet and meet the french ships mit the CV.
Taking Persia with the Egypt-Trn + Art to get the additional infs.
Don’t like minor in Egypt.
Depends on wether I need the CV- build in SZ 110.
Produce a Trn at South-Africa + Inf + Art, DD in Canada and Inf + Art in UK.
UK2: Ship builds in UK, Ground forces in South Africa.
Try to sink the last italian ships in the med. Sea.
Slow down the italian ground-forces in North Africa.
Preparing for a combined amphibious assault with US forces vs. Normandy in UK 4.