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Global Gaming Table
couple more pics of the table
All you need to complete the set up is a war rake :-D
lol, just made 2 of them today. one for the axis, one for the allies. :-D
Can you give us some pics? Please
couple more pics of the table
A very nice job indeed Kris. You may want to consider some plexi to cover the map. Can’t
tell from the pix wether the map sections with the game boxes below are supported throughout or just on the borders -
Nice table! And clever way to store te boxes as well.
thanks fellas. i thought the movable dice tower thing was really cool, but truth be told, we never use it. both my opponet and i like to roll into a box by hand. for mojo you know…
the map sections are each supported around the edges, so if you push down in the middle, there is a little give to them. the best way i found to fix that is not push down on the middles. :-P i thought of putting a brace across the middle for support, but that would affect my storage areas.
i checked into some plexi to cover the whole board, but for the size piece i would need it would cost around $50. i cant quite justify that yet. i stress yet. i believe with a little effort and luck i can find one cheaper.
i made the rakes with just pieces i had laying around. not sure if they will ever get used, but sometime i am bored i may stain them or add some axis and allies symbols to them. whatever, whenever.
Good to see some paper IPCs those are from revised aren’t they? I wish WOTC weren’t so cheap and decided to leave out the IPCS
the money is from aa50, original aap, (i think i own them all but aa42) and the original axis and allies. the older ipcs are SOOO much thicker. pretty cool
Nice looking table Katfish.
Very nice
yo can you darw up some specs? i love this so much im going to make one like it!
Katfish, GREAT JOB!! :-o
yo fish try putting the franch units in to the europe usa box seince they only need one
i like to leave a few frenchies in the england box to help differentiate it from the india box.
I like your gaming table, it’s a nice and simple solution
It’s a really good table, especially the size. I am looking for a similar table, but a small one for A&A as well as my study. I found this interesting suggestions supergamereviews.com/perfect-gaming-desk/ I don’t know if any of you has a better idea. These are the normal gaming desks, but large enough I hope
Thanks for the pics, looks great boss, rakes are a nice touch.