Bob_A_Mickelson's AAG40 National Production/Objectives and Setup Charts

  • Customizer

    Update: Sept 29, 2010
    Minor update. Fixed a couple of typos and minor formatting changes.

    You can download the full resolution charts here:


  • When I open them, I get a JPG. How can I format it proportional to a 8.5x11’’ paper?

  • Also, is it possible to change the format? For some reason, i can’t print JPG’s

  • Sorry, I have them in PNG. How can i convert to jpg, which I can print?

  • Customizer

    you should download the complete zip file which has them in png format and is clearer. If you want them to print in 8.5 x 11 Simply open them in “windows photo viewer”. Select paper size as 8.5 x 11 then print. you should select 11" x 17" for the national production chart.

    converting to jpeg is a bad idea as it will blur the image. Just about any photo editing program can convert them to jpeg. the easist (not necessarly the best) method would be to open the files in paint then click “file” , “save as” then click the drop down menu and select Jpeg. click “save”

    P.S. converting to bitmap is better since you wont lose quality.

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:

    you should download the complete zip file which has them in png format and is clearer. If you want them to print in 8.5 x 11 Simply open them in “windows photo viewer”. Select paper size as 8.5 x 11 then print. you should select 11" x 17" for the national production chart.

    converting to jpeg is a bad idea as it will blur the image. Just about any photo editing program can convert them to jpeg. the easist (not necessarly the best) method would be to open the files in paint then click “file” , “save as” then click the drop down menu and select Jpeg. click “save”

    P.S. converting to bitmap is better since you wont lose quality.

    So, how do I open with “windows photo viewer”?

    Are there printers that can handle 11"x17"?

  • Customizer

    right click on the file and select “open with” then click windows image viewer. 11"x17" is a standard size of paper known as ledger. any professional printers (and upper end home printers) have the capability of printing this size. Worse case scenario: go to kinkos and pay a little extra for them to print it.

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:

    right click on the file and select “open with” then click windows image viewer. 11"x17" is a standard size of paper known as ledger. any professional printers (and upper end home printers) have the capability of printing this size. Worse case scenario: go to kinkos and pay a little extra for them to print it.


  • Bob,

    First, thank you very much!  These are great.  I found one minor typo in the UK setup chart.

    “If London is captured by and Axis power, that power will received the United Kingdom’s player’s unspent Europe IPCs only.  If Calcutta is captured by an Axis power, that power will received the United Kingdom’s player’s unspent Pacific IPCs only.”  Emphasis are mine.

    You should conjugate both as “that power will receive” using the future tense.  Thanks again!

  • Customizer

    I will fix in an upcoming update. Thanks again for the help proofreading.

  • Is it possible for me to change them so that the setup charts have the alpha setup instead of the OOB setup?

  • Customizer

    I’d rather not release my source material. There will be alpha setup charts when larry makes it official. Be patient. If you guys want the alpha setup sooner help larry by playing the setup and posting your observations at his website:

    The sooner Larry (with your help) gets the setup gets balanced the sooner i will release the charts.

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:

    I’d rather not release my source material. There will be alpha setup charts when larry makes it official. Be patient. If you guys want the alpha setup sooner help larry by playing the setup and posting your observations at his website:

    The sooner Larry (with your help) gets the setup gets balanced the sooner i will release the charts.

    Since you don’t want to release the alpha setup charts yet, I assume you did not post this:

  • Customizer

    Those charts are plagiarized versions of my charts (in very poor grainy quality I might add).  I have asked that person to remove the link.

    Please be patient. I will release the Alpha setup (or whatever Larry ends up calling it) when it becomes official.

    Until then please be satisfied with the current version of the charts.

  • Thank you for the work !

  • I have laminated the Global charts and aids v2.2 which of these should I replace with these new ones?

  • is it maybe possible for you to post an unofficial version of the current alpha setup charts? that way the people who do want to wait for the setup to be finalised can still wait patiently but the impatient people can just get a quick alpha copy because who knows when the setup will be finalised. i mean its a win-win situation, and if the impatient people find that the balance isnt good because they didnt wait for it to be finalised then its their own fault and they are the ones who suffer, the rest wouldnt have anything to lose by you releasing an unofficial version of the alpha setup charts, and the people who had the unofficial charts if it suits them then they can just let it be but if it doesnt they can still wait for the official version. at least that way they can have a version of alpha even if not final but still resembling the final version to play with instead of the original mistake filled setup and not have to constantly check the progress of the finalisation on the internet

  • i dont want to sound demanding but have you ever considered having a 5 or 10 ipc bonus NO for japan for not entering the war? the reasons are immense and i have seen that suggestion in many places. i can understand if you dont want to because its not official and stuff but once again its ok to release unofficial ones if you think the reasons are good. if you have other reasons not to do it such as time i can understand too

  • @axisisthebest:

    is it maybe possible for you to post an unofficial version of the current alpha setup charts? that way the people who do want to wait for the setup to be finalised can still wait patiently but the impatient people can just get a quick alpha copy because who knows when the setup will be finalised. i mean its a win-win situation, and if the impatient people find that the balance isnt good because they didnt wait for it to be finalised then its their own fault and they are the ones who suffer, the rest wouldnt have anything to lose by you releasing an unofficial version of the alpha setup charts, and the people who had the unofficial charts if it suits them then they can just let it be but if it doesnt they can still wait for the official version. at least that way they can have a version of alpha even if not final but still resembling the final version to play with instead of the original mistake filled setup and not have to constantly check the progress of the finalisation on the internet

    There are unofficial ones which I linked to above, but they have been plagarized from Bob’s work.

  • @cminke:

    hey calvinhobesliker sry about the game (a lot of topic i know but still)

    it’s okay, but next time, send me a PM if it’s off topic

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