Surfer is correct. Also, nice map.
How will we calculate battles without a calculator?
It doesn’t appear as if Frood’s dice calc is going to cut it anymore, not with all the changes taking place to units’ offensive hits and the combined arms benefits. I will still probably use Frood’s for regular battles that don’t require a 1.21 jigawatt-powered computer to give me an answer. :lol:
But for AA50 and now for AAE/P/G40, has anybody come up with a decent calculator to determine who the winner will be or what the odds are of an attack? For AA50, I have been using Triple A, particularly for sea battles, but I can’t always fire that up when playing. I don’t know what I will do for E/P/G40. Anybody have any ideas? I am not a math or stats expert, so I can’t do battles in my head.
whats wrong with tha old-fashioned usage of your head. AnA is about taking risk, not go gung-ho if a calc tells you.
I agree - make an educated guess and start rolling the dice….
If you need to have that kind of certainty when playing a game like this I highly suggest inducing a small quantity of alchohol (not too much now…a little bit goes along way when you are only a 1/2" tall and made of plastic…) That should help nicely and will bring a fresh perspective to the game! -
You can always run them LL or no luck in your head……but don’t let anyone ask for a reroll :-D
I love it. Decisions without any calculators:
Play by email will be a little closer to a live game again. -
I have a AA50 calc that should work.
roll some dice……
You can always run them LL or no luck in your head……but don’t let anyone ask for a reroll :-D
Hehehe, good point Maxo. And I am probably just thinking about using the calc for naval battles mostly, although the bigger land battles might be worth it as well. Most of the time, I attack with larger numbers and plenty of men, which means (usually) I win the battle without having to resort to number crunching.
Calculators? We don’t need no stinking calculators! :-D
You mean to tell me we don’t know their kind of scum around here? What if we want to disintegrate some plastic pieces? :-P :-D
what’s a calculator? :?
I think he means an i-phone app.