@jejedada Merci pour le travail !
Temporary Europe Map Setup Picture
So you’re telling us that a ship cannot sail directly from SZ109 to SZ119?
Yes, it can. They touch west of Eire.
So… is Eire an Island for scramble purposes?
If so, I could see some interesting possibilities… :-D@SAS:
No, because it borders that part of the stinking Scotland territory is in the same sea zone. :|
It also boarders two sz’s so it for sure can’t scramble. I was wondering if two named islands in the same sz can scramble if there is an AB on one (or both). Like in Sicily/Sardinia or Cypress/Crete ?
If this set up is indeed correct - so much for the much vaunted Luftwaffe! I count just 4 fighters and what appears to be a tactical bomber (though maybe its a bomber?). That can’t possibly be right considering what Japan alone starts with.
I was wondering if two named islands in the same sz can scramble if there is an AB on one (or both). Like in Sicily/Sardinia or Cypress/Crete ?
If there’s an airbase, it can scramble.
If this set up is indeed correct - so much for the much vaunted Luftwaffe! I count just 4 fighters and what appears to be a tactical bomber (though maybe its a bomber?). That can’t possibly be right considering what Japan alone starts with.
8 planes in total…
If this set up is indeed correct - so much for the much vaunted Luftwaffe! I count just 4 fighters and what appears to be a tactical bomber (though maybe its a bomber?). That can’t possibly be right considering what Japan alone starts with.
That’s because the Luftwaffe was not as big as the Japanese Air Force. Plus, if the Germans had as much aircraft as Japan had, well, I know I would not play Global.
And hey, so much for the French Navy! With only two cruisers and two destroyers it is very under-represented. But, like the reduction of the Luftwaffe, I believe this was for balance reasons than anything else.
Does anyone have the definitive answer re: Northern Ireland; i.e. can an infantry move from Scotland into Eire without sea transport?
In a similar vein, can you move from land units from Greece into Turkey without the assistance of transports?
That’s because the Luftwaffe was not as big as the Japanese Air Force. Plus, if the Germans had as much aircraft as Japan had, well, I know I would not play Global.
Actually, this is not true. I did a bit of research for another thread on the boards and (based largely on Wikipedia), the German air force in 1940 had roughly 4000-5000 planes, while the Japanese air force had ~1800. I think this is mainly a game balance issue, with some justification because the Japanese Zero was in the early war one of the best, if not the best, fighter aircraft.
That’s because the Luftwaffe was not as big as the Japanese Air Force. Plus, if the Germans had as much aircraft as Japan had, well, I know I would not play Global.
Actually, this is not true. I did a bit of research for another thread on the boards and (based largely on Wikipedia), the German air force in 1940 had roughly 4000-5000 planes, while the Japanese air force had ~1800. I think this is mainly a game balance issue, with some justification because the Japanese Zero was in the early war one of the best, if not the best, fighter aircraft.
I suppose that makes more sense. I would not like black and orange aircraft zipping around the board destroying everything in sight. It would be a very boring–-and one-sided—game indeed.
Although I believe a real setup pic will be posted soon, for those of us who can’t wait/need something to look at I made a setup map using the TripleA units and the info provided already by djensen.
NOTE: I did not include AA Guns, Factories, or Air/Naval Bases (just kept it simple)Enjoy:
How exactly did you make this map? I’d like to do something similar since I’m about to play a global game online
If you’ve got an image editting software with layering option, you could put the map image down first and add a layer on top with the starting pieces. Have a saved image file with each of the pieces images (these images used come from TripleA) and just copy and paste and delete the images from the “play” layer as needed.
If you’ve got an image editting software with layering option, you could put the map image down first and add a layer on top with the starting pieces. Have a saved image file with each of the pieces images (these images used come from TripleA) and just copy and paste and delete the images from the “play” layer as needed.
Can you point me to such a software I can download for free>
Can you also point me to pictures of the TripleA units or do I have to download Triple A?
Heh, sorry… I’m not an image editting buff so the only program I know that can do that is PhotoShop, which you can probably find for free download illegally online… :roll: Nor do I really know how to get the TripleA pieces images, I just recognized them… Captain Beremir could tell you I’m sure as he obviously used them for his image. :-)
So yeah, basically I’m just an idea guy in this case; I don’t know how to get you there from here. Though I’m sure lots of people on the forums here should be able to help you with that aspect better. Anyone?
You have to buy Photoshop.
If your really good at drawing you can get a tablet and draw them in.
If you’ve got an image editting software with layering option, you could put the map image down first and add a layer on top with the starting pieces. Have a saved image file with each of the pieces images (these images used come from TripleA) and just copy and paste and delete the images from the “play” layer as needed.
Can you point me to such a software I can download for free>
Can you also point me to pictures of the TripleA units or do I have to download Triple A?
You can download Gimp. Open Source software, and pretty good, actually. And free, of course :)
I used a free program called Paint.NET for the layered image, and yes the units are from TripleA.
I used a free program called Paint.NET for the layered image, and yes the units are from TripleA.
I downloaded that and I have a few questions.
I’m playing a global game and thus I paste the map onto layer 1. Then I add another layer so I can draw the names of the units and erase them without erasing part of the map. This works fine. But when I save the image, close it and reopen it, the 2 layers have apparently merged since when I try to erase something I wrote on the map it erases part of the map. Do you know how I can save it so the layers are kept separate?
I used a free program called Paint.NET for the layered image, and yes the units are from TripleA.
I downloaded that and I have a few questions.
I’m playing a global game and thus I paste the map onto layer 1. Then I add another layer so I can draw the names of the units and erase them without erasing part of the map. This works fine. But when I save the image, close it and reopen it, the 2 layers have apparently merged since when I try to erase something I wrote on the map it erases part of the map. Do you know how I can save it so the layers are kept separate?
i don’t know this specific program, but in general, if you want to save and keep the layers you need to save in the format of the software (it will normally be the extention on top of the list of save possibilities. If you save as a jpeg (or tiff or gif or png) it merges all the layers into 1 picture.
I believe there is a way to save the layers separately, but I’m not 100% sure. If special forces is correct, then you’ll want to save the image as a Paint.NET image (pdn).