• Thanks to the OP for the sources!

    I wanted to do it on black card stock like ____ did, so I found a shop that would do it but they wanted a few changes. Specifically, they wanted a black background, so I removed the diagonal background, text and white backgrounds:


    Don’t knock the white lines, i figure the idea is that no matter what file you use, you’ll be folding and bending so all that stuff is on the “underside” and unseen.

    For anyone in western Canada, I’m doing it with Rayacom (http://www.rayacom.com/) they’re in Deadmonton, CowTown and VanCity, and their price was fairly cheap like 79c/copy (I don’t have a printer).

    I will post back this weekend to respond about the “pieces mixing when put away” concerns when using something heavier than paper :)

  • I found this black foam board on a forum recently (cant find the thread) but i went in to walmart and bought some and used Elmers glue to put them in, the finished product looks great, it looks like it could of even come that way.

  • @Bung:

    I wanted to do it on black card stock like ____ did, so I found a shop that would do it but they wanted a few changes. Specifically, they wanted a black background, so I removed the diagonal background, text and white backgrounds:

    Don’t knock the white lines, i figure the idea is that no matter what file you use, you’ll be folding and bending so all that stuff is on the “underside” and unseen.

    Using black probably looks better. I guess black cardboard would be surperior to white (paper) with lots of black ink. You could print the original on standard white paper and then use it as a stencil over some black cardboard. Just punch a needle throgh at all the fold and cut intersections, as that will show you where to cut and fold the cardboard. Use a ruler or similar when folding and cutting to make sure you get straight lines. You might want to actually cut and fold one on white paper first as a prototype to help you find out which holes mean what :)

  • Customizer

    Just print it on standard black cardstock. Thats what I did and it worked out great.  The black lines are justwas visible enough to fold (with the lines on the inside of course.) Best of luck.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I use ammo crates and real money for play… but that’s just me…

    Ziploc is ok, or tray with no divider.

  • Ziplocks work good for storing the pieces and weed, but not too good during game play when your in and out of the baggies all the time.

  • I personally use the original foam trays from back in the 80’s version with all the compartments…they fit perfectly in the storage boxes…i have enough trays for all versions…got em on ebay relativly cheap and just spray painted them…i love the organazation it brings to my global table.i have enough to double up on some countries and it  fits nicely into my table area frames…

  • Ah the styrofoam dividers….those were the days, anyone else find themselves poking holes in them when it’s not your turn though? I kinda destroyed mine…whoops!

  • '14 '13

    Can you still find the original foam trays these days? I think I need to start looking at the tackle box idea a little more.

  • @maverick_76:

    Ah the styrofoam dividers….those were the days, anyone else find themselves poking holes in them when it’s not your turn though? I kinda destroyed mine…whoops!

    I had a buddy, Steve, who would do stuff like that……it drove me nuts!!  Once, while playing Conquest of The Empire I was busy studying the board and I hear “Check this out!”.  I look over and Steve has taken all of the silver infantry pieces that were not in play and stuck them spear down into the Styrofoam tray.  I wanted to knock his block off!!

    As for storage, I make my own trays out of cardboard:

    Another version:

    I haven’t made similar insers for the newer boxes yet but it would be pretty simple.  To me, if I’m going to divide them, I want them divided completely if possible.

  • Those are awesome!

  • Very nice man If i still had my ep3 seats i would deff be rocking this Do you have a diy ln the door panel inserts? Id like to do those

  • Hi,

    I just browsed through this thread and in post #2 on page 1 by Bob_A_Mickelson, I noticed he uses small grey factory pieces for minor ICs… that is exactly what I am looking for.

    Where can these be purchased?

    Best regards

  • Welcome Stauffenberg.  The grey factories can be purchased from Historicalboardgaming.com.  Look down the left side and you will see a section of previos games.  The various pieces are available, including the grey factories.  Of course, those were the major inductrial complexes.  I hope this helps.

  • Hi Dafyd,

    thanks for your reply. I should have clarified that I am not looking for the major ICs because I know that the early versions of Europe and Pacific have those grey ICs. I own Europe 1999, so I already have them.

    They are also visible in the picture that Bob posted, but in the tray above those, there are these tinier grey ICs that only have 2 “sections” and are overall smaller. I think they are a perfect match to the larger pieces of grey ICs that are available at HBG and that can be used as major ICs.

    I could not find them on HBG or FMG though and have never seen them before…

    Best wishes!

  • Customizer

    Those small ICs can’t be bought. I made them by cutting, sanding, and then gluing back together some of the official ICs. Very time consuming so I only made a few.

  • Oh I see, thanks for the info… as I still find that to be the best solution, I might still do it.

    Using a Dremel tool with a cutting disc might speed up the process. Shouldn’t be too bad then.
    Now I hope that HBG gets those grey factories back in stock soon…

    Best wishes

  • Hello!

    I have made some trays out of acrylic sheet. Unfortunately, I cannot post the pictures: I receive “Sorry, you are not allowed to post links.” when trying…

    Does anybody knows how I can do?



  • @olilam:

    I have made some trays out of acrylic sheet. Unfortunately, I cannot post the pictures: I receive “Sorry, you are not allowed to post links.” when trying…
    Does anybody knows how I can do?

    Because of the forum’s anti-spam filter, you need to have a certain number of message posts before you are allowed to post pictures.  I think the minimum is 10, but I’m not sure.

  • Thanks for the info.

    I will post the pics as soon as I am allowed to then :)

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