I apologize that you misunderstood my intentions. If you said re-write the rules for Warhammer 40K to make them clearer, I would say give it a shot because it needs it. But I feel that the rulebooks for AXA are solid (and would cite the very low number of errata/FAQs as compared to the past) and most confusion comes from not reading them (was referring mostly to myself, not you). Do whatever you want.
Hi Taamvan,
the rules might be solid, but as YG said, the rules for Global are scattered across 2 rulebooks. Here in Germany, the fanbase made a single, merged Global rulebook (in German of course) and it helps A LOT!!!
Reading and understanding the rules is one thing, not very hard to do. BUT remembering all of them and bringing them into context with each other is a lot more complicated and the practical experience playing Global shows that there a lot of small “problems” occuring due to the fact that the rules are clear, but complex and complected.
Just look at the FAQ here on the board and the rather huge amount of videos about Global, they show that there is a need for information beyond the rulebooks. Or at least for a rulebook that is not divided into 2 parts, with a few more examples giving practical advice.
Watching videos on YT also tells you that most people play Global wrong here and there, just because they misinterpret the rules. YG’s short briefing videos are very good examples of situations where most people play wrong, and there are many more such situations.
Also, the game material lacks some aids that other games in this class come with, which facilitate gameplay a lot. Mostly quick reference cards, information on the gameboard etc etc.
I have no clue how people can play Global without National-Objective-Cards, I would never be able to keep track of every nations NO’s without them. Or who does seriously play Global without paper money?
And in the same manner, I would really miss the merged Global rulebook I have access to. It instantly answered many many questions I had after reading through both the rulebooks of Europe and Pacific, where you have to go back and forth, switch between the books etc etc. It is just a huge mess.
I would at least ask WotC if they allow to make a merged rulebook. I mean they apparently allowed it to the German A&A club… if they refuse, YG can still do it the way he intends to do it now, which will however take a lot of time and might never really be finished. Very huge project…
Best wishes