• @knp7765:

    I still think it would be cool if FMG came out with a Heavy Tank set for all nations after all the country sets are complete.

    Exactly. There is no reason why FMG should stop making models. They’re doing a phenomenal job at it.

  • Hear hear! With Self-propelled artillery as well!

  • I would have preferred a Panzer IV over a Panzer III, for the reasons stated previously by myself; however, the Panzer III is a respectable and logical choice too, and appears to have garnered approval in this community at least. I think it will be fine.

    For the second tank, I would still prefer a Tiger I. Iconic, produced and used in significant numbers, visually different from the Panzer III, different choice from the WoTC OOB Panther, and a popular choice within this community - seems like an appropriate choice to me.

    @ FMG - Any confirmation as to which Panzer III variant will be represented by your sculpt? An early Ausf. A-D variant, or one of the later variants? Personally, I would choose a E/F variant, but I do admit that most Panzer III variants would look very similar at this scale.

  • For me the Panzer IV is the best representation of german medium tanks
    Number panzer III all version 5728
    Number panzer IV all version 8870

    compared with the Panther (Wotc) 3054 all version…

  • Customizer


    @ FMG - Any confirmation as to which Panzer III variant will be represented by your sculpt? An early Ausf. A-D variant, or one of the later variants? Personally, I would choose a E/F variant, but I do admit that most Panzer III variants would look very similar at this scale.

    I hope they use the version with the long barrel.  I can’t remember which variants they were, but some of the early variants had little short-barreled guns.  Same thing with early versions of the Panzer IV.  To me, those just don’t look right.

  • Panzer III, ausf. L:


  • Customizer


    Panzer III, ausf. L:


    Ah, yes.  That one looks perfect.  I hope we get those.

  • For me the Panzer IV is the best representation of german medium tanks
    Number panzer III all version 5728
    Number panzer IV all version 8870

    compared with the Panther (Wotc) 3054 all version…

    I think it was closer to 6,000, but nevertheless, you’re point is well taken.  I agree that the Panver IV would be the most logical choice, but I’m quite willing to accept the Panzer III.

    Ironically it was originally the Panzer III that was intended for tank-on-tank battles, whereas the Panzer IV, with a low-velocity 75mm gun was designed for infantry support.  While that low-velocity guns wasn’t a great tank-killer, being built around a larger caliber made the Panzer IV more “upgradeable,” which is why it lasted until the end of the war.

  • Panzer III is the best.

  • Love the Panzer III as well

  • Customizer

    I also love to see the Panzer III.  I still say it is the best choice and comparable to the Carro Armato M13/40 we are getting in the Italian set.  I would still like to see in the future sets other light/medium tanks that would be more comparable to the Panzer III and Carro Armato for the first armor choice.  Some examples:
    USA = M5 Stuart
    Britain = Crusader II
    Russia = T-26
    France = Renault R-35 or Somua S-35  (A heavy tank for France would have to be the Char B1-bis)
    Japan = This is the only exception as WOTC already used the Type 95 Ha-Go light tank.  Therefore I would like to see FMG come out with the Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tank and perhaps the Type 1 Ho-Ni SPG/tank destroyer.

  • What about Tiger I and … StuG III ??? I know StuG III isn’t properly a medium tank, it is a tank destroyer and it seems more like the italian Semovente 75/18, already used for the italian sculpts…

  • Customizer


    What about Tiger I and … StuG III ??? I know StuG III isn’t properly a medium tank, it is a tank destroyer and it seems more like the italian Semovente 75/18, already used for the italian sculpts…

    I wouldn’t mind seeing the StuG III but FMG has already stated that they are making the Panzer III and since the StuG III used the Panzer III chassis, I think they would be too close together. 
    Also, I think the reason they used the Carro Armato (tank) and Semovente (SPG) was because the Italians of WW2 didn’t have a wide range of armor choices, unlike the Germans who seemed to have tons of different tanks, tank destroyers, assault guns and self-propelled artillery to choose from.

  • @Sergente:

    What about Tiger I and … StuG III ??? I know StuG III isn’t properly a medium tank, it is a tank destroyer and it seems more like the italian Semovente 75/18, already used for the italian sculpts…

    Actually it was an Assault Gun that came to fill the role of a Tank Destroyer, but still.

  • well i quess after i buy these i’ll always be germany unless there are canadian pieces butif not ill most likly play gemrnay every time panzer 3 is the best tank ever B****

  • Canadian pieces would be so much like UK pieces that I’m not sure there’d be a point!  At least with the ANZAC’s you have their unique hats to distinguish them!

  • i was joking about canadian pieces but not hat the panzer3s the best tank ever B****
    no insultes intented.

  • Customizer

    You might possible get Canadian units from FMG, but if you do it will be a while.  The last listing of nations to be produced goes as follows:
    ANZAC – different color than UK with a few unique units of their own
    Extras or Common Units – ICs, AA guns, Naval Bases, Air Bases, bunkers, HQs, etc.

    Those are the sets that FMG wants to make for absolutely sure, assuming the sales go well and they have the funding.  IF everything goes well and they see there is still a demand, the following sets are possible:

    Tech Units

    Not necessarily in that order.  I guess it would depend on how many people want which sets.  Anyway, Canada is a possibility.

  • in the debate of panzer 3 or 4 i say as said before ….4 austf J

  • Customizer

    Hey everyone.  There has been a lot of talk on what tanks to use for Germany.  Does anyone have an idea for the FMG Tactical bomber?  Since WOTC came out with the Stuka, I would love to see FMG make the Me 110.  Is anyone with me on this?

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