I would also refer you to this question that was almost identical to yours, and Krieghund’s official answer:
i will add more details to the plans for the A and a table im going to build
two different home made tables that I think are awesome:
That size is almost the same as a Warhammer match. Add charts, dices, money (sacked from old games :-P ) and similar stuff, and you have the same size. Interesting coincidence
You ever play Warhammer Funcioneta?
UN Spacey,
A-town here as well. You ever play Axis and Allies at Great Hall Games off Lamar? I need some practice with the new rules/Pacific40 before August. I got a copy of AA50 and Revised as well.
Unfortunately I will only be returning on August 11. By then I’ll probably be busy finding a job (fresh high school graduate saving up for gap year=very busy graduate).
I’ve never been there, but if I could somehow get there before August 24 and in-between finding a job I’ll be more than happy too :-D
Bah. Sad face here. I’ll be headed to Lubbock for graduate work myself by then in August. Maybe I’ll meet some of your friends there over the weekends. It’s hard to find dedicated Axis and Allies players willing to try a table-top game.
open the box and have a debate and demand to play as Germany because I bought the game.
Keep all three mint for resale along with the three copies I bought for Pacific.
I only play the game at my local comic shop’s Axis and Allies club. That way, I keep my own perfect, and I actually play with out having to beg someone.
Check out the box
Open box
Look at all the contents inside
Look at map for several minutes
Break open pieces and punch-outs
Set it up as Euro40 to observe then quickly to Global40 and observe while reading through the instuctions.
Master instructions (shouldn’t be hard since all the work was done in Pac40)
Set up weekend game night with friends.
Strategize and Dominate.
The first thing I will do is look at the map and then run into my room and grab P40 and put the global game together. This is going to be epic….
Check out the box
Open box
Look at all the contents inside
Look at map for several minutes
Break open pieces and punch-outs
Set it up as Euro40 to observe then quickly to Global40 and observe while reading through the instuctions.
Master instructions (shouldn’t be hard since all the work was done in Pac40)
Set up weekend game night with friends.
Strategize and Dominate.
I will do almost the same as Questioneer, except for
“Break open pieces and punch-outs”
Punch out only what is necessary for setup and play. (I have done this with past A&A games)
When a country needs another cardboard chit, I go get one.
That way some things (like Control Markers) some countries only need 1-3 of are out there, and the rest of the seldom used chits are not cluttering the chit bowl blocking our vision of the most needed and most used chits.
Then years later when some needed more Control Markers of a certain country, one can claim, “We have a new record of territories controlled by So-and-So country!” (Yeah, get your geek on.)
Me and some mates will go down playing it the moment it arrives!
Been working our butts through Revised, Pacific, 1942 and D-day over the last 1,5 years, and we are really looking forward to this arriving!
i’ll look at it and bribe someone to play. (most likely my dad) and annihalate him and probley get accused of loading the dice.
Too True.
Open box.
Set up board.
Stare at board.
Attempt to not drool all over board.
Open all pieces.
Set up for E40.
Be depressed by my lack of a table large enough to set up G40.
Contemplate using bed to set up G40.
Say “screw sleep!”
Set up G40 on bed.
Play with self.
…. yeah, I’m going to leave that last item on the list exactly as is. No further explanation necessary…
Why are people so adverse to putting it on the floor?
That size is almost the same as a Warhammer match. Add charts, dices, money (sacked from old games :-P ) and similar stuff, and you have the same size. Interesting coincidence
You ever play Warhammer Funcioneta?
Not much since I play Axis & Allies, but I still play WH40k one or two times each year :-D
Why are people so adverse to putting it on the floor?
They can’t afford a table?
Why are people so adverse to putting it on the floor?
I’ll need my bones when I become a granddaddy :lol:
Why are people so adverse to putting it on the floor?
They can’t afford a table?
I asked why people DON’T want to put it on the floor
Why are people so adverse to putting it on the floor?
They can’t afford a table?
I asked why people DON’T want to put it on the floor
They can’t afford a floor?
Why are people so adverse to putting it on the floor?
They can’t afford a table?
I asked why people DON’T want to put it on the floor
They can’t afford a floor? No, some of us old timers cannot get back up off the floor after we get down there!
Why are people so adverse to putting it on the floor?
They can’t afford a table?
I asked why people DON’T want to put it on the floor
They can’t afford a floor?
No, some of us old timers cannot get back up off the floor after we get down there!
When I’m your age I will be able to get up!