I got the game “The War Game: World War 2”, and have played it in the past two weeks. Seems like a pretty cool game to distract me from waiting for August 24, but one thing really annoys me: the French units that come with the game are almost laughable. About 7-10 infantry pieces, a minor factory, a ship or two, and no tanks, which kinda makes it hard to play as them in the 1939 scenario of the game, or to play as them once France is liberated in the game.
Now I’m sure France will be getting more than infantry in A&A, but will its pieces be appropriate for that of a full-fledged power? Larry said he wasn’t sure if France was getting its own box or not, which is even more intriguing–-if it won’t have its own box, where will the set-up be, and where will all the French pieces be?
Now on the flip side, Larry also acknowledged that France, having one of the largest armies in Europe in 1940 will be well-represented, which is also good. I’m not too concerned about this, I just don’t want to be as disappointed as I was when I opened up The War Game :(