• Hey guys,

    I am new to the site, but I have been playing A&A for almost 20 years.  In reading throught the posts, I have not seen any similiar first RD moves for Russia that the guys I play with use.   What is the “standard” moves you guys like to use at the start of the game?

    Thanks in advance

  • I would be very interested what a 20 year vet has as his standard moves.

    I picked up a tip from this site to attack ukrain and west russia the first turn. I also always buy 2 inf 2art and then spend the rest on tanks. I always put the inf in cuacuas and the tanks go in russia.
    I clump 8 inf together in siberia, then put 4 inf in china to stave off japan

    Then I just trade land with germany and japan until help arrives

  • Ok… I gotcha

    Usually we attack Norway with 3 inf, 1 tank & 2 fighters so as to not allow Germany to take out the British battleship (since it can’t land in Norway with planes anymore). We also move the sub in with the British battleship/transport.  The other attack is the same (West Russia) with all guys and artillery.  We realize we are sacraficing a Russian fighter, but it lands next to Norway and stops Germany from blitzing two countries up top.  We also hold back the Russian tanks so that Germany can’t destroy them with tanks/fighters right out of the gate.

    Purchases vary for Russia, but they usually included a replacement fighter or 2 and an artillery. Or a fighter, 2 guys & 2 artillery

  • TripleA

    here are 2 purchases i like.

    1sub, 3inf, 1art, 1tank
    2inf, 2art, 2tank

    the best r1 combat is
    9inf, 1art, 1tank into west russia(leave nothing in karelia and archangel)
    3inf, 1art, 3tank, 2fig into ukr(yes 3 tanks)

  • My group’s standard moves are 9 inf, 1 art, three tanks on West Russia, 3 inf, 1 art, 1 tank, 2 planes on Ukraine, move the sub with UK navy, 6 inf to Buri, 2 inf to sinkiang, 2 inf come back to Cauc, 2 inf come back to Russia. Purchase is 8 inf.

  • Most “standard” Russian purchases I see are 8 inf or 4 inf, 3art or 3 inf, 3 tank.

    “Standard” attacks are 9 inf, 1 art, 1 tank to West Russia and 3 inf, 1 art, 3 tank, and 2 fighters to Ukraine if you want to knock out the German fighter in Ukraine or simply 9 inf, 2 art, and 4 tank to West Russia and reinforce as necessary to start a West Russia stack.

    Most of the time Russia needs to be purchasing as many ground units as possible to hold off Germany.  They can only really afford to buy planes on the first turn if you know your German opponent likes building lots of navy or something.

  • I think this helps explain some of the standard moves even though its not 1942 its fairly similar advice.


  • Buy: 2 inf 2 art 2 tanks (more offense than any other possible land purchase)

    Combat: 1. Ukraine with everyone who can reach (3 inf 1 art 1 tank from Cauc, 2 tanks from Russia, 2 ftrs).
    2. West Russia with everyone else who can reach (except leave 1 inf in Karelia to stop German blitz), for a total of 8 inf 1 art 1 tank.

    Non-combat: Evenk, Novo inf 2 Russia
    Kaz inf to Cauc
    Yakut, SFE inf to Buryatia (alternatively, you could move only the Yakut inf to Bury and keep 2 in SFE)
    Z4 sub into Z2 to back up the British BB
    Land both planes in Caucasus

    Placement: 2 inf 2 art in Cauc, 2 tanks in Russia.

    That is a solid foundation for Russia to begin the game. You will have to be aggressive in the south and passive up north for a while but when UK has enough for a big landing they will secure the northern corridor for you.

  • as russia your tactics should NEVER change. buy nothing but infantry. you can afford 8 people that way ( pile everything in casucus and moscow)

  • Thanks for all the replys guys…  But I am wondering if Germany attacks the British BB/transport in the first RD ?  It sounds like everyone basically allows Germany to take out the fleet.  Thoughts anyone?

  • Well, basically everyone allows Germany to attack the battleship and transport because there’s very little that can prevent it. The UK’s odds are improved by reinforcing with the sub but that move is pretty much universal. The only prevention is attacking Norway. Attacking Norway with 3 inf, tank, and a fighter(I’m assuming Russia can’t afford to leave the second fighter out to dry) is an unreliable battle. Regardless of success or failure, it will leave either Caucuses or West Russia open to an attack. So, I think letting Germany attack the British battleship is a lesser evil than poor footing in Europe.

  • @njnets25:

    Thanks for all the replys guys…  But I am wondering if Germany attacks the British BB/transport in the first RD ?  It sounds like everyone basically allows Germany to take out the fleet.  Thoughts anyone?

    Like Fleetwood Dan said above the odds aren’t that good to attack Norway.

    With only 3 inf, 1 arm and 1 ftr Russia has a 69% chance of killing the German fighter and 47% odds of taking Norway.

    And you’ll be risking a counterattack on either Caucasus or WR.

  • do the A&a battle calculator. only conquer 2 territories a turn and put all focus on germany.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I recommend attacks on Belorussia and Westrussia, Ukraine leves your armour exposed for counterattack…

    Also usually roll with a 3 inf, 3 arm buy

  • Hi,

    Very new to the game so just looking to learn. My question revolves around what a number of you have said but I’ll quote SAS:

    “Standard attacks are 9 inf, 1 art, 1 tank to West Russia”

    If you send 9 infantry into WR, are you leaving just one fighter in Karelia? I assume it will die on G1? Also, nothing is left in Archangel to counter on R2?

    Thanks for your help.

  • The idea is usually to have enough stuff remaining in WR after the fight to prevent a counter-attack. Having a good “stack” there also gives you options for R2.



    Very new to the game so just looking to learn. My question revolves around what a number of you have said but I’ll quote SAS:

    “Standard attacks are 9 inf, 1 art, 1 tank to West Russia”

    If you send 9 infantry into WR, are you leaving just one fighter in Karelia? I assume it will die on G1? Also, nothing is left in Archangel to counter on R2?

    Thanks for your help.

    after your attacks… during noncombat land your karelia Fighter in caucasus with the fighter from Russia…


    I recommend attacks on Belorussia and Westrussia, Ukraine leves your armour exposed for counterattack…

    Also usually roll with a 3 inf, 3 arm buy

    i Disagree… attacking Ukraine takes a german fighter out of play.  and also takes a tank out… even if russia barely takes ukraine with 1 or 2 units … its worth it for position and killing that german fighter

  • Russian moves to start game:

    Твои глаза поразили меня   :wink:

    Yeah baby yeah!  It’s like a Russian Austin Powers!

    Generally, move sub to UK battleship; in case of German sub/fighter/bomber attack, do not submerge the Russian sub until the German sub is dead.  Either put 6 inf at Buryatia, or move all Asia infantry west, except leave 1 infantry at Buryatia to pressure Manchuria.  You will usually want to put the AA gun on West Russia.

    3 inf 1 tank 1 fighter to Norway, remainder to West Russia:  60% to take Norway, killing German fighter and saving the UK battleship.  You can do 3 inf 1 tank 2 fighter to up the odds to 85% or so, but you lose a Russian fighter as it has to land on Karelia, so this is not recommended.

    3 inf 2 fighter to Belorussia, remainder to West Russia; this depletes German’s forward infantry (always nice when you can do it), so reduces the chance of Germany smashing WR next turn.

    2 inf 2 fighter to Belorussia, remainder to West Russia, (edit . . . nm!)

    Everything that can hit Ukraine EXCEPT one fighter to Ukraine; remainder to West Russia:  The idea is that when you send a Russian fighter to West Russia, you kill Germans faster, so preserve your infantry - usually means a difference of an infantry or so.  Some people send 2 fighters 2 tanks to Ukraine (instead of the 3 tanks 1 fighter recommended here), but imagine you have Russian tank/fighter attacking German fighter.  If you had 2 Russian fighters, you would retreat; you can’t risk the Russian fighters. If you had fighter/tank, though, you press on, and if you win, you can claim the 3 IPC territory (which a fighter can’t do.  Some skip all that and just do 3 tanks 2 fighters at Ukraine for the “lock”, at the expense of 1-2 Russian infantry at WR.

    I notice the sub buy was already mentioned; this is used to try to whack the German battleship on R2.  This is NOT my preference, I prefer to get ground or air with Russia, nothing else.  Even on R2, Russia will probably want its air to trade territory with Germany.  There are a bunch of ways to whack the German battleship/transport by UK2/US2, which often does quite nicely.

    One more option is the Russian triple; it’s 3 inf 1 tank 1 fighter to Norway, 2 tanks 1 fighter and assorted inf/art to Ukraine, and everything else to West Russia.  Failure means German Turbo Tank Dash.

    Oh yeah - what IS German Turbo Tank Dash?  It’s when Germany controls Caucasus at beginning of G2, and built on G1 with that expectation.  All Germany does is build infantry at Caucasus and tanks at Berlin, it forgets about Africa and everything else, and drives hard on Moscow, while Japan builds tanks in the east and presses like crazy.  The plan is to whack Moscow before UK/US can get a transport chain going to reinforce Russia.

  • @Bunnies:

    Generally, move sub to UK battleship; in case of German sub/fighter/bomber attack, do not submerge the Russian sub until the German sub is dead.

    One important addition: if the German sub hits, choose the Russian sub as a casualty rather than to the battleship, to try to have a 2nd shot against the planes.

    Oh yeah - what IS German Turbo Tank Dash?  It’s when Germany controls Caucasus at beginning of G2, and built on G1 with that expectation.

    Germany controlling Caucasus at the beginning of G2?

  • @Hobbes:

    Germany controlling Caucasus at the beginning of G2?

    To be clear, this involves a massive Russian screwup, either a failed triple, or a triple not involving UKR, combined with leaving valuable attack units like fighters at Caucasus.

    If Russia royally screwed up, Germany can both take Anglo-Egypt and take and hold Caucasus.

    Germany may forgo Anglo-Egypt (sacrificing Africa, even pulling units out on G1 for transport) to hit Caucasus harder. This drops the Med fleet on UK1, but the idea is that with Caucasus in German hands at beginning of G1, and 8+ tanks incoming (Japan doing heavy tank builds as well), Moscow should fall before UK/US can get their transport system in place.

    (edit) - oh, yes, and quite correct about taking the Russian sub as a casualty.  I should have mentioned that.  :lol:

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