I’m an old-school player, so my memory of the revised stats is not as good. Tigers used to have Superior Armour (with a different game effect) but the new Tigers have what used to be called Hulking Mass? Remove the first damage counter against this unit (once per game)> If that’s the one then here’s the answer:
While I don’t agree with it in the 1st case, the ruling last I knew was that it is destroyed in neither case. The ruling was along the lines of the following:
The hit markers are effectively placed sequentially. As you place the hit markers, the 1st is a disrupt hit marker, the second is a damage hit marker, and is immediately removed. A third hit counter (from doubling the rear defense) goes down and because there are two on the unit it is a damage hit marker.
The one with 2 shots is easier. The first shot of 2 gets reduced to one hit marker, and the 2nd shot does one more hit marker. Damaged.