I’m playing A&A mini’s because it is very easy to play also for children. You can buy the different tanks on the net or eBay.
I’m also repainting the tanks and making diorama’s to make it more realistic. I even add spotters with off board artillery and reinforced positions for infantry en artillery combined with self made barbed wire f.e.
If you look on the net you can find a lot off information and photo’s.
Originally yes, you placed them and that was it. For scenarios they were great. For most other matches, if you were rolling a random map, it was a gamble.
With the new Revised rules, the Sandbagged MG Team CAN now move, but once it does, it loses the 5/5 def
The Partisans would get Defensive fire rolls if the tank moved to an adjacent hex… There’s no reason why the tank couldn’t move away though as long as it was on it’s own movement/assault phase- it can’t move away when it isn’t it’s turn (I’m not sure what you’re asking here).