Control of the island doesn’t change if it’s a tie.
Invading base islands
Wrong. They can still reinforce.
Wrong. They can still reinforce.
How? Don’t all reinforcements come from the base island?
Reinforcements enter the game on the base island, but they don’t “come from” it. They come from another base further up the chain. Think of them as having approached from the other side of the island.
Reinforcements enter the game on the base island, but they don’t “come from” it. They come from another base further up the chain. Think of them as having approached from the other side of the island.
Okay, but if the reinforcements enter on the base islands, where would they enter if the base island were captured?
They still enter on the base island. It’s just like any other island being captured - you can still land troops on it. These are just coming from off the board.
I get it now. Thanks
What do you gain by taking control of a base island ? Do you have a 4 IPC bonus at the end of your turn ?
Welcome, Axisplaya!
You gain bragging rights, mostly. There is no reward for taking it other than giving your opponent a hard time.
Thanks Krieg.