I agree as I have said before that you can’t judge anything unless you have played the game but I was just pointing out things that I thought seemed a little funny. Yes, if Artillery had 2 land power it would make bombers less useful unless you made bombers land power 3 like I did. Yes, things might be different prices with different stats but I am just speculating. I just thought artillery attacking ships seemed weird and having them have more power on land seemed more fitting. Maybe I am wrong. I don’t know how the game really plays because I won’t have it until Friday. I just thing some of the stats are questionable at first glance. Air Craft carriers with no anti-air? I don’t see how that could be. Anti-Air guns more effective at destroying fighters than opposing fighters? Battleship anti-air power just as effective as destroyers? Clearly Battleships had way more AA guns than Destroyers.