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AA42 on Clearance at Target
Hey All,
Into the local Target this morning and found 10 copies of AA42 all on half-off clearance ($15 each) on an endcap in the back of the store. Not sure if this is a chain-wide thing or if they just didn’t sell in the area here, but if you are looking for extra pieces, may of interest.
what part of the country was this?
Went to my local Target and got the last two copies they had. Less than $34 total! Great deal, thanks for the tip.
That’s I just got a copy for eight bucks with tax.
got the last copy for 2 bucks i love it I buy lots of stuff at target and they always have good clearence games clothes sporting goods etc but ussaly not this my first time i ever bought an aa game i play triplea but this is really fun