• @El:

    J22 & hay,
    Either in this "A&A: or the “Player Help” fora someone suggested a US IC in Singkiang. I looked quickly, but couldn’t find it. You might look. or better yet…

    Someone who remember where the US IC in Singkiang might speak up!

    Is anybody out there?” - Pink Floydd

    its next to china dipshit ( sorrry to be blunt )

  • The thing to remember is that the easiest way for Japan to gain lots of cash quickly is Asia, which brings up two points on Allied ICs:

    1. By placing the IC, you can slow down the Japanese offensive.

    2. However, it’s too easy for Japan to take down an IC in India, leaving the only choice to be Sinkiang, which can only produce 2 units/turn.

    An alternative might be to evacuate the British units to Sinkiang, to allow a counter offensive to build up there. Any ideas?

  • Ethy,

    I believe that Jefe was referring to a thread in which it discussed putting an IC in Singkiang, not where it was on the map. There really isn’t any point of that type of remark on here anyway and I would hope you apologize for you misinterpetation of his remark.

  • Ditto…

  • Ethy - smarten up. Leave the crude remarks for your the rest of your 13 year old friends.

    As for defending the first turn IC - it can be done. 2 Russian MiG’s, 3 UK inf, 1 UK ftr may defend India valiantly. If Japan can not sink the UK trn and bring over enough troops (i.e. it may sink the trn, but lose a ftr in the process - a ftr that may be used on the mainland - difficult decisions for Japan) then the factory will stand for another turn. Furthermore, chances are that either SIN, or both SIN and CHI may not have been properly cleared out in which case, the allies may set Japan back 2-3 turns. Certainly by Japan 4-5 it may have the India IC, but it has cost valuable time doing this.
    Someone commented on the fact that Germany would eat up the poor Russians. So why is this? Is the US sitting on their hands at this time? Of course not. They are playing shuck shuck with Finland - dropping infantry there every turn or two. Add these forces to Russian forces no longer needed to defend against an aggressive Japan consumed/obsessed over south-east asia. Now you’ve got Germany - who likely has few African forces left playing dead-zone exchange with UKR/CAU with Russia, and usually the US as well. Not long until some forces gather in the Azores to threaten Southern Europe as well. Now Germany is fighting the 2-3 front war (remember West Eu as well). Granted, the allies - esp US must take advantage of these first few rounds of a stalled Japan, because you guys are correct - once Japan gets rolling, takes the Ind IC, and then builds another one in MAN with a drop of 6-10 inf/turn on the mainland, then my underpants get a gooey-brown stain.

  • All for it, folks!
    Question: Could You all explain 2 terms used here:
    “U.S. shuck shuck” ?
    “RR” rule?

  • RR = Russian Restricted (i.e. Russia cannot attack on turn 1)

    Look here to find out what shuck-shuck is:


  • gotcha! thanks!

  • @JoePar22:

    I was wondering how everybody feels about the Industrial complex in India. I happen to think that it is a complete waste. It really takes away too many IPCs from the UK and what they should be concentrating on is owning the high seas!

    What do yall think?

    I may partially agree (i prefer air superiority to the high seas) but if germany no threat from lack of skill or russia’s assault; or japans a major threat; or russia is in danger, i believe india is a very important territory.

  • the indian IC is really a big gamble because japan can easily take it in turn 1 (as neatly explained by MistaBiggs)

    instead, here’s my theory for checking japan.
    russia sends its tanks out east, and needless to say, buys 8 infantry. it also sends its transport and sub into britain.
    uk MUST keep its sea space and build transports and infantry. starting turn 2, uk starts shipping infantry to karelia en masse. that further ensures the security of russia, meaning russia can probably send its fighters east to check the japanese advance.
    also british fighters head out east to deal with the japanese. uk ends up with 4 infantry in india (after transporting 2 from australia), which provides a fair bit of fodder for the fighters.

    the best strategy for the USA in the pacific is:
    a) occupy wake island
    b) ship some infantry and an anti aircraft gun there
    c) build a fleet of bombers and strategically bomb the lights out of japan

    japan will be paralyzed. unable to build anything. so the russians and the brits can easily take out their remaining forces in asia. the americans can take over japan’s pacific territories one by one.

  • USA wake Island IC!?!

  • no no. not an IC. occupy wake island. then transport infantry and an AA gun from western USA. you can’t build anything on wake island anyway. it doesnt have an IPC value. once wake island is secure, land a fleet of bombers. japan is within striking distance of wake island for the bombers to drain its money.

  • Even with value “0” you are allowed to build one unit per turn if you have an IC there.

  • if you are playing with the rule that let’s you destroy industries and aa’s when captured, then it might work, but maybe not. Otherwise it’s not a good idea.

  • First thing, I play RR with 2 hit BB, and I totally agree that a 1st turn Ind Factory CAN BE DEFENDED in the 1st round, but only it is not necessary

    Reasons why you should build an Indian Fac:

    1. It will take the Japs more time to secure the asian front

    It also gives Germany more air to breathe and more resources to be diverted towards Russia

    1. The British will cash out higher, replacing the losses of the German invasion in Africa

    I don’t see how it will cash out higher except the 3 Ind Ipc, which is in the expense of 15 ipc

    1. It forces the Japs to buy enormous amounts of infantry before they can march to Moskou

    A good Japanese player WILL buy enormous amounts of infantry before they march to Moscow, even there is no UK presence in Asia

    1. Allows the Americans to ignore the pacific entirely!

    A good US player WILL ignore the Pacific entirely, and they will be very very happy to see if the Japs is not doing so

    1. It will help out the Russians tremendously, because they can invest more in the defense against the germans until, because the Japs focus is on the Indian Factory.

    Yes, but the above is also true if UK is doing another shuck shuck to Kar, after the Afican counter attack, without an Ind Factory

  • The India factory can always be held for the first few turns. The biggest trick is sending two russian tanks to sinkiang or persia. Between them and whatever the USA has in china you will take india back before UK’s next turn, and then they can produce in India immediately. I doubt your opponent will attack India round one after a few games with this strategy. You can also try variations with sending a russian fighter to India round one or sending the British transport to the Burma sea zone to act as a blocker instead of picking up the iraq infantry.

  • It all depends on the Japanese player. If you know for a fact that he will go hardcore for Russia or go full throttle into the Pacific and threaten the Western American then go ahead and build a IC in India.

    But if you not sure about how he will make war then think twice about placing a IC in India. If Japan then get India after it’s there you may really regretted it.

  • @waraxis:

    It all depends on the Japanese player. If you know for a fact that he will go hardcore for Russia or go full throttle into the Pacific and threaten the Western American then go ahead and build a IC in India.

    Good point. Too bad placing an IC might make him change his mind.

  • Then wait and build it on the 2nd turn. Study the Japanese player’s 1st turn real carefully. Then decide.

  • @waraxis:

    Then wait and build it on the 2nd turn. Study the Japanese player’s 1st turn real carefully. Then decide.

    In other words, if you still have India after turn one, build the IC? :wink:

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