Thank you! Seems like G2 is better than G3.
Replacements for cardboard counters in the 1940's series
Going with the Monoply Idea, the pieces in Monoply City are great - - - you can use the 2 Indstrial unit peice is a great stand in.
I am sorry but red hotels and green houses don’t do it for me even if they are painted. I was disappointed by WOTC because they had stated that they would have pieces for the minor complexes, air bases and naval bases. Silly me, I never thought that they would resort to cardboard. I don’t think that I will truly be happy with these games until FMG releases all of their pieces.
Amen to that. Even if the bases/installations are flat, at least they’ll be plastic. I tried giving my monopoly houses two coats of grey but it just scratches off too easily. Should have primed them first I think…
Amen to that. Even if the bases/installations are flat, at least they’ll be plastic. I tried giving my monopoly houses two coats of grey but it just scratches off too easily. Should have primed them first I think…
Also, put a top coat on. Best is to use a satin finish as it retains the best “plastic look”. Otherwise, a dusting of gloss spray will help. Just ask for “clear coat” at the hobby store.
Alright guys - I’m sculpting my own in epoxy resin or polymer clay… Anyone have any ideas or source imagery for the build? I’ve got a couple of sketches but I’d like to see what everyone else would like to see.
I’m doing a new Major IC, Minor IC, Air Base, and Naval Base.
Try to keep whatever you come up with semi-abstract like the original A&A forms.
Air and Naval bases should be fairly flat for the purpose of repairs and landing. Keep them smallish as to not get in the way of crowded units, particularly on islands. Airbase could be a silhouette of the tarmac (A&A: Guadalcanal) and Naval base could be a simplified, birds eye view of the linked docks, breakwater, etc…not sure, that’s a tough one… :|
Airbase / Naval base: How about a flat square or rectangle a bit thicker than the infantry base. Size would be maybe 5/8" or so. Have an airplane / ship silhouette counter-sunk into the square. That way ships / planes can be stacked on top. Color would be the grey of the AA50 ICs.
As for major/minor: I like the original ICs for major. If remove a smoke stack and reduce the size by a third for the minor, that would be ok.
Sorry, not very inventive stuff here but I would like to retain the original look and feel of the game parts.
Just a suggestion: I did see someone (perhaps he visits here as well) - I think it was on BGG, for minor complexes he cut one of the sections (I believe he filled/smoothed out the cut sides) from a regular factory (so that it only had two sets of windows on top), and lowered the stacks. Looked good and filled the purpose nicely.
I often thought a tiny runway would be nice - with a little call tower, some hangers…perhaps some AA guns here and there…
I like Variable’s naval base idea.
Alright guys - I’m sculpting my own in epoxy resin or polymer clay… Anyone have any ideas or source imagery for the build? I’ve got a couple of sketches but I’d like to see what everyone else would like to see.
I’m doing a new Major IC, Minor IC, Air Base, and Naval Base.
Try to keep whatever you come up with semi-abstract like the original A&A forms.I am thinking a simple aircraft hangar for an airfield:
Insert Quote
Quote from: allworkandnoclay on Today at 12:59:34 pm
Alright guys - I’m sculpting my own in epoxy resin or polymer clay… Anyone have any ideas or source imagery for the build? I’ve got a couple of sketches but I’d like to see what everyone else would like to see.
I’m doing a new Major IC, Minor IC, Air Base, and Naval Base.
Try to keep whatever you come up with semi-abstract like the original A&A forms.I am thinking a crane for an naval base such as the one below:
Insert Quote
Quote from: allworkandnoclay on Today at 12:59:34 pm
Alright guys - I’m sculpting my own in epoxy resin or polymer clay… Anyone have any ideas or source imagery for the build? I’ve got a couple of sketches but I’d like to see what everyone else would like to see.
I’m doing a new Major IC, Minor IC, Air Base, and Naval Base.
Try to keep whatever you come up with semi-abstract like the original A&A forms.I think the IC piece from the older A&A games is fine for the major complex, we just need a smaller one for the minor complex similar to what was done in the War Game shown below:
This seems a nearly dead thread, but since FMG isn’t selling any replacements for the cardboard counters, I thought I’d share what I’ve done.
I use old Diplomacy naval (extruded anchor) and army (extruded star) pieces, as naval bases and air bases.
For minor/major ICs I just use old white and grey AaA ICs, as I’m guessing many others do.